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Suddenly to the woman sitting on the garden bench the sun-bathed October gardens seemed alive with the myriad questioning faces of the fall flowers; wheels and disks like aureoled heads leaned toward her, mystical fire in their eyes, the colored flames of their being blown by passionate desire of revelation. "This is your moment," the flowers seemed to say to her. "Ask him now."

Marsden, too, noticed it; but in awaiting the rôti he still continued to roll and bolt the pellets, washing them down with gulps of whiskey and soda. "Oh yes, it paid," he resumed. "Not in that way, of course " he indicated the head, quickly turned away again, of an aureoled youngster with a large bunch of black satin tie, " not in admiration of that sort, but in other ways " "Tell me about it."

She was a peerless blonde, blue of eye, scarlet of lip and her fair head and face were so aureoled by locks of sunniest yellow, that she seemed to radiate light and warmth. Her exceeding loveliness smote through Arlington's nerves and set his southern blood tingling. "Ah, Evaleen, did you enjoy your ramble?" asked the hostess, affectionately, as she rose to receive the young lady.

Lizzie was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Is shoo a taicher, an' has shoo gotten fantickles and red hair?" "No," I replied, and I thought with some amusement of the freckled face and aureoled head of the village schoolmistress, who had got across with Lizzie on account of her inability to do sums and speak "gradely English." "She's an old lady, with white hair; she's my mother."

That mighty pause before the class, that orison and benediction how much of my life it has been and made. I fought earnestly against posing before my class. I tried to be natural and honest and frank, but it was a bitter hard. What would you say to a soft, brown face, aureoled in a thousand ripples of gray-black hair, which knells suddenly: "Do you trust white people?"

To prevent famine one plow is worth a million sermons, and even patent medicines will cure more diseases than all the prayers uttered since the beginning of the world. Ingersoll's Lecture on Voltaire Ladies and Gentlemen: The infidels of one age have often been the aureoled saints of the next. The destroyers of the old are the creators of the new.

She too had seen him aureoled with the sun, dazzling as the snow-fields on the heights. To her it was ever in that aspect he appeared, with a radiance so intense even that there had been moments in which she had veiled her eyes as from a light that only eagles could support. To her, marvels were as natural as the escape of night.

'And if anyone came and asked for you, you'd take him? 'Well, I'm bound to, seemingly. But it dunna matter. None'll ever come. What for should they? She herself answered her own question fully as she stood aureoled in dusky light. His eyes were eloquent, but she was too busy to notice them. 'And should you like to be married? he asked gently. He expected a shy affirmative.

Janice did not sit down again just then, nor did she reply. She rested both trimly-gloved hands on the rail and gazed upon the scene. "Why, it's beautiful!" she breathed at last. "And that is Poketown!" Some ancient dwellings have the dignity of "homestead" resting upon them like a benediction; others are aureoled by the name of "manor."

These lines, in my opinion, draw a perfect picture of Woodrow Wilson as I knew him: Speaking of Allegra's father Zangwill said: "With him freedom was no nebulous figure, aureoled with shining rhetoric, blowing her own trumpet, but Free Trade, Free Speech, Free Education. He did not rail against the Church as the enemy, but he did not count on it as a friend.