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Three of von Stroeme's confederates had been nabbed at the same time, and a mass of papers full of important revelations not the least important among them being the fact that only yesterday von Stroeme had been caught dealing with a German Socialist of the ultra-Red variety, an official of the Bread and Cake-Makers' Union Number 479, by the name of Ernst Apfel.

Guffey's men had been trying for a long time to get Germans to contribute to the Goober Defense fund, but here was an even better opportunity. Peter thought of Comrade Apfel, who was one of the extreme Socialists, and a temporary Pacifist like most Germans.

Apfel worked in a bakery, and his face was as pasty as the dough he kneaded, but it would show a tinge of color when be rose in the local to denounce the "social patriots," those party members who were lending their aid to British plans for world domination.

When Pelagea takes us for a walk before dinner we go to the Apfel Restaurant, and there is father waiting for us. . . . He is always sitting in a room apart, where you know there's a marble table and an ash-tray in the shape of a goose without a back. . . ." "What do you do there?" "Nothing! First we say how-do-you-do, then we all sit round the table, and father treats us with coffee and pies.

Then he addressed the Wilbur twin, now skillfully prolonging the last of his cookies. "Well, young one, you like your bread and cheese and milk and cookies and apfel kuchen, so? Well, I tell you come here. I show you something fine." He went to the front room, where the bar was, and the Wilbur twin expectantly followed. He had learned that these good people produced all manner of delights.

Peter said that was fine, and offered to go to Apfel himself; but the rat-faced man answered no, Peter was too precious, and no chance must be taken of directing Apfel's suspicions against him. Section 56 Peter had received a brief scrawl from Nell, telling him that it was all right, she had gone to her new job, and would soon have results.

Moreover it was proven that Apfel had taken this money and distributed it among several German Reds, who had turned it in to the defense fund, or used it in paying for circulars calling for a general strike. Peter's heart was leaping with excitement; and it leaped even faster when he had got his breakfast and was walking down Main Street.

McGivney said he would send somebody to Apfel at once, and give him the name of the Kaiser's agent as one who might be induced to contribute to the radical defense fund. Apfel would, of course, have no idea that the man was a German agent; he would go to see him, and ask him for money, and McGivney and his fellow-sleuths would do the rest.

But Dave detained her. "Minna!" She stopped and turned back to him. "You will?" "Sprechen sie Deutsch, Minna?" "Ja yes why not? I should think I do. I always could. Why couldn't I?" She went on her mission, grumbling pettishly. Why shouldn't she speak her own language? What did the man think? He must be a joker! "Mamma!" Herman called again. "Git also the young one some that apfel kuchen.