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Let it be said at once that, altho' the name of Altdorf is indissolubly linked with that of William Tell, the place arouses an interest which does not at all depend upon its associations with the famous archer.

'It was lucky for us, said Guy, 'otherwise we could not have traced you. We saw your name at Altdorf, and have been trying to come up with you ever since. 'I am glad we have met. What accounts have you from home? 'Excellent, said Amy; 'Charlie is uncommonly well, he has been out of doors a great deal, and has even dined out several times. 'I am very glad.

Lalotte entered the market-place of Altdorf, at the moment when her uncle, having disposed of his chamois-skins to advantage, was crossing from the carriers' stalls to a clothier's booth to purchase woollen cloths for winter garments.

TELL. To Altdorf, to your father. HEDWIG. You have some dangerous enterprise in view? Confess! TELL. Why think you so? HEDWIG. Some scheme's on foot, Against the governors. There was a Diet Held on the Rootli that I know and you Are one of the confederacy I'm sure. TELL. I was not there. Yet will I not hold back Whene'er my country calls me to her aid.

William Tell, whether of Cloudland or of Altdorf, is the last reflection of the beneficent divinity of daytime and summer, constrained for a while to obey the caprice of the powers of cold and darkness, as Apollo served Laomedon, and Herakles did the bidding of Eurystheus.

Go not to Altdorf. Oh, abandon not The sacred cause of thy wronged native land! I am the last of all my race. My name Ends with me. Yonder hang my helm and shield; They will be buried with me in the grave.

Now Tell happened to be in Altdorf at this very time with his little son William; and in order to avoid saluting this hated emblem, he left town earlier than he had planned and by a street where he thought he would not see the cap or encounter any of the Austrians who had come to Altdorf to see that the Governor's order was enforced.

"Some notable piece of folly, no doubt," observed his uncle; "what is it, boy?" "A deed that will render my name famous throughout the whole province of Uri, my good uncle. Everybody is talking about it in Altdorf at this very moment," exclaimed Philip, rubbing his hands.

For this purpose he had a pole, surmounted by the ducal cap of Austria, erected in the market square of the village of Altdorf, and issued a command that all who passed it should bow before the symbol of imperial rule. Guards were placed by the pole with orders to make prisoners of all who refused to pay homage to the ducal cap.

The men unfortunately have not become young, and retain their grey beards. The picture is of the year 1546, the seventy-fourth of Cranach's age. ALBERT ALTDORFER was born 1488 at Altdorf, near Landshuth, in Bavaria, and settled at Ratisbon, where he died 1528.