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Oh, and when I saw you so sunken, so hardened, exulting in vice as in a glory bravo and partner in a gambler's hell or, worse still, living on the plunder of miserable women, even the almsman of that vile Desmarets my son, my son, my lost Lizzy's son blotted out of my world for ever! then, then I should have died if you had not said, boasting of the lie which had wrung the gold from Darrell, 'But the child lives still. Believe you oh, yes, yes for in that belief something was still left to me to cherish, to love, to live for!"

It chanced that at that moment a poor almsman of the Bourgeois Philibert was humbly and quietly leaning on his crutches, listening with bowing head and smiling lips to the kind inquiries of his benefactor as he received his accustomed alms. De Lantagnac rode up furiously, followed by Le Gardeur. De Lantagnac recognized the Bourgeois, who stood in his way talking to the crippled soldier.

And well it may, for it is the most submitting act that a man can do; it throweth out all our righteousness; it makes the soul poor in itself; it liveth upon God and Christ, as the almsman doth upon his lord; it consenteth to the gospel that it is true; it giveth God and Christ the glory of their mercy and merit; it loveth God for his mercy, and Jesus Christ for his service; whatever good it doth, it still crieth, Hereby am I not justified, but he that justifieth me is the Lord.