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I thought, therefore, that some statement might now be made to the effect that by means of this ceremony my status among the Kosekin would be changed, and that both I and Almah, being no longer lovers, would be no longer fit for the sacrifice. To my intense disappointment, however, nothing whatever was said that had the remotest reference to this.

Now, to me and to Almah these so-called punishments seemed rewards. It was impossible for me to avoid feeling a very strong regard for this enthusiastic and beautiful girl; all the more, indeed, because she evinced such an undisguised admiration for me.

On the whole, I was perfectly content nay, more, perfectly happy; more so, indeed, than ever in my life, and quite willing to forget home and friends and everything in the society of Almah. While in her company there was always one purpose upon which I was most intent, and that was to master the language.

Every moment presented some new discovery which added to the horror of Magones. But Almah was weary, for our flight had been long, and she wished to rest. So I found a place for her where there was some sand between two rocks, and here she lay down and went to sleep. I sat at a little distance off on a shelf of the rock, with my back against it, and here, after a little time, I also went to sleep.

With you I should live for a few sweet joms, and with you I should die; so go on kill the athalebs if you wish." "Do not!" cried Almah "do not! There is no hope. We are their prisoners, and our only hope is in submission." Upon this all further thought of resistance left me, and I stood in silence, stolidly waiting for their action.

I turned again with a sinking heart to Almah. Her face was full of anguish. "This is my duty," said she. "Every jom I must come here and crown these victims with fresh flowers." A feeling of sickening horror overwhelmed me. Almah had spoken these words and stood looking at me with a face of woe.

As for Almah, she seemed quite beneath the notice of the aspiring Layelah. She never noticed her, she never spoke of her, and she always made her visits to me after Almah had gone. Layelah at length began to make pointed remarks about Almah. "She loves you," said she, "and you love her. How is it that you do not give each other up?" "I would die rather than give up Almah," said I. Layelah smiled.

It at once occurred to me that Layelah had obtained her father's co-operation in her scheme, and that the old villain actually imagined that he could win the hand of Almah.

All these thoughts occurred to me as I watched the Epet; and though the labor of harnessing the athaleb was simple and soon performed, still the time seemed long. So the collar was secured around the neck of the athaleb, with the grapple attached, and the lines were fastened to the wings, and then Almah and I mounted. The Epet now stood waiting for further orders. "Open the gates," said I.

I told her that Almah and I could go together on the same athaleb; but she objected on the ground of my ignorance of driving. And so, remonstrances and objections being alike useless, I was compelled to yield to the arrangements that had been made. Almah mounted on another athaleb.