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But scarcely were the words out of her mouth, when a glance of uneasy surprise from Emeline brought a recollection of this fact, and caused the blood to mount to her face. A sudden change in the manner of Mrs. Allender was conclusive evidence that she, too, was laying side by side the two conflicting statements. "But even," added Mrs.

Allender are old acquaintances." "The Hon. Mr. Erskine, you mean," said Mrs. Minturn, whose vanity led her to betray herself still more. "Yes. Have you met him?" "Oh, yes," was replied with animation. "We were very intimate at Washington. He showed Emeline very particular attentions." "Ah! I was not aware that you knew him." "Intimately.

Mr. Allender was, or had been, a merchant, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him, as a gentleman and a man of fine intelligence. He and Minturn started together in life; the one as a lawyer, and the other as a merchant. Possessing some capital, Mr.

From the height they had gained in a few years, it was but natural for them to cast their eyes below, and to note how far beneath them were certain individuals with whom they had once been on a level. The observation of this fact as naturally created an emotion of contempt for these individuals as inferiors. Among those ranging below the Minturns, in their estimation, was a family named Allender.

Sick-call was sounded pretty soon, and I went with Press and two or three of the other boys to the surgeon's tent. Press kept in the background until the other cases were disposed of, and then stepped forward. His breeches were unbuttoned down to nearly the last button, he was holding them up with his hands, and his stomach protruded like the belly of a brood-sow. "Well, Allender," inquired Dr.

She and Miss Allender, who is, it strikes me, a charming girl, seemed delighted with each other, and were side by side most of the evening. They sang together many times with exquisite effect. Then there were Mr. and Mrs. T , Mr. and Mrs. R , Miss Julia S , and Miss G ." All these belonged to a circle yet above that in which the Minturns had moved. "I am astonished," said Mrs.

Allender, soon after the marriage of the former, called upon him with his wife. The visit was promptly returned, and from that time the two families kept up intimate relations. The Minturns lived in a small house, in a retired street, for which they paid the annual rent of one hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Tears were in Emeline's eyes as she turned from her mother and went back to her room. Mr. Allender, at the age of forty, found himself unable, through the exhaustion of his means, to continue in business. He would have resigned every thing into the hands of his creditors before suffering a protest, had he not failed to receive an expected payment on the day of his forced suspension.

He called to see us yesterday, on the eve of his departure for New York." "Oh, mother!" exclaimed Emeline, as soon as they had stepped beyond the street-door, on leaving the house of Mrs. Allender, "why did you say any thing at all about Mr. Erskine, and especially after blundering so in the matter of apology? She'll see through it all, as clear as daylight.

Men are getting too wide awake. I'm sorry for Allender. He's a good-hearted man too good-hearted, in fact, for his own interest. But, it's nothing more than I expected." "And I am sorry for poor Mrs. Allender," said his wife. "What a change it will be for her! Ah, me! Will they lose every thing?" "I have no means of knowing at present. But I hope not."