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Fled was the magic faith, and phantasy the all-changing, all-uniting friend from heaven. Over the rigid earth, unfriendly, blew a cold north wind, and the wonder-home, now without life, was lost in ether; the recesses of the heavens were filled with beaming worlds.

Our whole motor life is based upon them. There are innumerable other paths of practical continuity among things. Lines of INFLUENCE can be traced by which they together. Following any such line you pass from one thing to another till you may have covered a good part of the universe's extent. Gravity and heat-conduction are such all-uniting influences, so far as the physical world goes.

The sweetness is matched by the strength. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." The epistle is full of the spirit of a present heaven. There is scarcely any thought of the future, no reference to the second coming, no dwelling on the hereafter. It is all-sufficient, all-uniting love, Christ, a spiritual presence, as the head God the Father of all.

Because all-uniting nature imparted its forms to the Greek, and an all-dividing understanding gives our forms to us. It was culture itself that gave these wounds to modern humanity.

It was a challenge and a denial for all the beliefs of the nations, the truth of which Israel was the champion and missionary. It swept the heavens and earth clear of the crowd of gods, and showed the One enthroned above, and operative in, all things. We can scarcely estimate the grandeur, the emancipating power, the all-uniting force, of that utterance. It is a worn commonplace to us.

Because all-uniting nature imparted its forms to the Greek, and an all-dividing understanding gives our forms to us. It was culture itself that gave these wounds to modern humanity.

Because all-uniting nature imparted its forms to the Greek, and an all-dividing understanding gives our forms to us. It was culture itself that gave these wounds to modern humanity.