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Then they asked the Cid to let their Guazil be the same as he had first appointed, and that he would give them for their Cadi the Alfaqui Alhagi, and let him appoint whom he would to assist him in distributing justice to the Moors; and thus he himself would be relieved of the wearisomeness of hearing them, save only when any great occasion might befall.

Then they asked the Cid to let their guazil be the same as he had first appointed, and that he would give them for their cadi the Alfaqui Alhagi, and let him appoint whom he would to assist him in distributing justice to the Moors; and thus he himself would be relieved of the wearisomeness of hearing them, save only when any great occasion might befall.

During our voyage I was the only one who had landed. We departed and arrived at Yaour. I was sent on shore the next morning with a musket and a sabre, to carry to the chief of the village, also with three pieces of white baft for distribution. I went and gave the Chief his present: I also gave one piece to Alhagi, one to Alhagi-biron, and the other to a person whose name I forget, all Marabous.

Park died. Yamme Marabou gave me bullock; so did Moulina one; Guiniba one; and Facoro, the Chief, also one and some corn. Two sheep were given to me by Alhagi; one by Fatuna-bougou; one by Amadibinne-doucara, and three by Dimba Soumares. We staid there eight days. On the ninth day the hog I had left behind was brought here.

I found here my sister and one of my wives I had left in my voyage with Mr. Park, and where they waited for my return. I asked them what they heard concerning Mr. Park. They assured me that they had seen Alhagi Biraim, who told them that Mr. Park was dead; and that he saw the canoe in which he died in the country of Haoussa; to which country, he, Alhagi, had been, and to the place where Mr.

This Alhagi was he who made the lamentation for Valencia, as ye have heard; and when the Cid was peaceably established in Valencia, he was converted, and the Cid made him a Christian. And the Cid granted this which they required, and they kissed his hand, and returned into the town.