United States or Cambodia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He was influenced to some extent by the thought that Poritol and Alcatrante, on learning how he had been robbed of the bill, might unwittingly give him a further clue. No one had called for him. He waited till ten minutes past the hour, before he concluded that he had fulfilled his part of the bargain with them.

"Find the American! That is what she will try to do." "We had an appointment with him this morning," said Alcatrante grimly, "but when you said that your man had the envelope, it no longer seemed necessary to go. We you and I still have the same object in view. I suggest that we now set out separately." "As you wish," said the Japanese calmly.

"See, here is your hotel. Your company has been a pleasure to me, Mr. Orme. You arrived most opportunely in the park." Orme jumped to the curb and, turning, shook the hand that was extended to him. "Thank you for the lift, Senhor Alcatrante," he said. "I shall look for you in the morning." "In the morning yes. And pray, my dear sir, do not wander in the streets any more this evening.

Alcatrante did not lose his smile. "You will hardly try that, I think. There would not be time for you to get away. People in these passing elevators would see you." Orme turned away and pressed the "down" button, and a few seconds later a descending car stopped. He pushed his way in, Alcatrante after him. The elevator was crowded.

"If it comes to publicity," continued Alcatrante with an ugly grin, "I will have you arrested for stealing a certain important document and offering to sell it to me." "Rubbish!" laughed Orme. "That would never work at all. Too many persons understand my part in this matter.

Moreover, while Alcatrante was undoubtedly serving the interest of his country, Orme had no real certainty that he himself was in a similar position. He had every reason to infer that the papers were of importance to the United States Government, but after all he could only go by inference.

He looked down at Alcatrante, who was close in front of him. Then his face relaxed and in spite of the gravity of his situation he smiled; for he had found a solution. Promptly he acted upon it. The car halted just below the ceiling of the first floor. "What's the matter with you?" called a voice the voice of the starter. "Man robbed," said the elevator-boy. "Bring the car down."

He hesitated for an instant, as if in doubt which of the two to follow, then decided in favor of Alcatrante, who was moving in leisurely fashion toward the park entrance, his head bowed in thought. Orme found himself wondering what snaky plots were winding through that dark mind. The procession of three silently entered the park. The shadow was about a hundred feet behind Alcatrante.

Orme, but he imagines that you may not realize how important it is to him, and you might not guard it carefully." "I agreed to keep it until to-morrow," said Orme, quietly. "As for thieves, my apartment is on the tenth floor, pretty well out of their reach. The only danger of robbery lies between the cab and the hotel office. "I know, I know," chuckled Alcatrante. "It is, of course, as you will.

One side of the reception-room which Orme entered hurriedly, Alcatrante still beside him, was given over to a large specimen refrigerator chamber, built in with glistening white tiles. The massive door, three feet thick, was wide open, showing the spotless inner chamber. In the outer wall was a thermometer dial fully a foot in diameter.