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In the noble family of Camilli there was not, in many ages, a single instance of this, which Martial calls adultery: Quae toties nubit, non nubit; adultera lege est." "True, sir," says Mrs.

"We do not censure him, because he fought," answered the abbot, raising his finger, "but because he married and married unhappily; fornicarium and bibulam had taken mulierem, whom Bachum since she was young adorabat, and besides that she was adultera, from whom no one could expect any good."

The antithesis, though less direct, is not less striking, and the phrase seems to us to become simpler, more natural, and more touching. Yet this reading has found little favor with recent editors, and one of them goes so far as to say, "che non solo impoverisce, ma adultera l' idea."

In the noble family of Camilli there was not, in many ages, a single instance of this, which Martial calls adultery: Quae toties nubit, non nubit; adultera lege est." "True, sir," says Mrs.

From these observations comes the proverb: 'Filium ex adultera excusare matrem a culpa. Osiander has noted telegony in relation to moral qualities of children by a second marriage. Harvey said that it has long been known that the children by a second husband resemble the first husband in features mind, and disposition. He then gave a case in which this resemblance was very well marked.