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"There's 'er pride to consider, Teddy," said the latter gentleman, with the whisper of a conspirator. "She can't stand being talked about all over the town and pointed at." "Let me see anybody a-pointing at 'er," said the truculent Mr. Silk; "let me see 'em, that's all." "That's the way to talk, Teddy," said Mr. Kybird, gazing at him with admiration. "Talk!" said the heroic Mr. Silk.

"You ought to go once, Barney, if only to show the minister that you're rightly grateful to him for showing you about them there books and figures and a-pointing out your mistakes to you. And anyhow, if you don't go, you'll be hanging out in that there pool-room, and first thing you know you won't be decent and respectable and Billy'll have to fire you."

"There's 'er pride to consider, Teddy," said the latter gentleman, with the whisper of a conspirator. "She can't stand being talked about all over the town and pointed at." "Let me see anybody a-pointing at 'er," said the truculent Mr. Silk; "let me see 'em, that's all." "That's the way to talk, Teddy," said Mr. Kybird, gazing at him with admiration. "Talk!" said the heroic Mr. Silk.

Oh, thought he, but it will be a grand thing to see the proud Morgiana on her knees to me; and me a-pointing to the door, and saying, "Madam, you've steeled this 'eart against you, you have; bury the recollection of old times, of those old times when I thought my 'eart would have broke, but it didn't no: 'earts are made of sterner stuff.