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Well, sir, he turned the conversation as well as he could, and he took 'em down Love Lane to the water-meadows, and there Master Harry would have drowned himself in half a moment more, a-getting out a water-lily for her but nothing daunted that boy. Well, sir, they was tired out. All being so new and strange to 'em, they was tired as tired could be.

He likes to wound a woman's feelings he do, and to chuck anything in her face, he do he likes to wind a woman up and to wound her down." Why, he told me to my face that I was a-getting old; old indeed! there's not a woman in London knows my age except Mrs Davis down in the Old Kent Road, and beyond a haricot vein in one of my legs I'm as young as ever I was. Old indeed!

"Good evening, Mis' Pennel," said the Captain; "I's a-tellin' my good woman we must come down and see how you's a-getting along. It's raly a work of necessity and mercy proper for the Lord's day. Rather lonesome, now the Captain's gone, ain't ye? Took little Moses, too, I see. Wasn't at meetin' to-day, so I says, Mis' Kittridge, we'll just step down and chirk 'em up a little."

"Why, you see, commander," says Phil, "I ain't acquainted with anythink else, and I doubt if I ain't a-getting too old to take to novelties." "How old ARE you, Phil?" asks the trooper, pausing as he conveys his smoking saucer to his lips. "I'm something with a eight in it," says Phil. "It can't be eighty. Nor yet eighteen. It's betwixt 'em, somewheres." Mr.

"Rose Mary," came Miss Amanda's cheery little voice from the doorway just in time to save Everett from the wish, if not even a vain attempt, to sink through the floor, "bring Mr. Mark right on in to breakfast before the waffles set. Sister Viney, your coffee is a-getting cold."

"Well," said the Squire in a mollified tone of voice, "I won't say no more, but you must tell him to stop fooling with these here Providence people. Stopped Ezra Pike's wife feeding her baby on pot-liquor and give it biled milk watered with lime juice. It'll die it'll die!" "Oh no, Squire, it's a-getting well jest as peart as can be," Mother said in a mollifying tone of voice.

Surely," says I, "that couple between 'em have heaped up so much furniture and victuals, that anybody would think they were going to take hold the big end of married life first, and begin wi' a grown-up family. Ah, what a bath of heat we two chaps were in, to be sure, a-getting that furniture in order!"

'Leave that to me, Sir, said Sam. 'Let me order you a snug little dinner, and make my inquiries below while it's a-getting ready; I could worm ev'ry secret out O' the boots's heart, in five minutes, Sir. 'Do so, said Mr. Pickwick; and Mr. Weller at once retired. In half an hour, Mr. Pickwick was seated at a very satisfactory dinner; and in three-quarters Mr.

"That she are, sir, and a-getting back her pretty color with Mr. Paul." Pash looked suspiciously at the handmaiden. "Who is he?" "Nobody to be spoke of in that lump of dirt way," retorted Deborah. "He's a gentleman who's going to marry my pretty." "Oh, the one who had the accident! I met him, but forgot his name." Miss Junk nodded vigorously.

I'm a-getting down," he added, cautiously lowering himself from his pony; "I guess I'm in this, too." "You're in it," growled Brick, "but you're on the outskirts. Don't come no nearer." He stroked the head that rested on his breast, his great hand moving with exceeding gentleness. He gazed over her brown glory, at the sympathetic crowd. "Fellows," he cried, "just look what I've raised!"