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Sam never held up his head a'terwards; what with having killed an innocent man, and the 'haviour of his wife, he was always down. He went out to the fishery, and a whale cut the boat in two with her tail; Sam was stunned, and went down like a stone. So you see the mischief brought about by this little Jezebel, who must have two husbands, and be damned to her."

"I must tell my master," said Elsy, "so dat he can go and take her out ob prison. It am a shame dat a lady like dat should be locked up in a prison, and Mr. Wentworth will soon take her out." "You better not say anyting to your master about it, yet," observed the old woman. "See de Doctor and tell him; he will know what to do, and den he can tell de gemman all about it a'terwards."

I aint the sort to go back on my word, fishermen aint, ye know, an' what I 'd said to myself 'fore I knowed who I was bindin' myself to, I stuck to a'terwards when I knowed all about him. For 't aint for me to tell ye, who've got so much more larnin' than me, that there was a dreffle lot more to that story than the fishin' part.

"I understood him, but just now, that she was running on foot; yet doth he talk about her horse. Expound, Jacob." "It was a nautical figure of speech, sir." "Exactly," rejoined Tom; "it meant her figure-head, old gentleman; but my yarn won't cut a figure if I'm brought up all standing in this way. Suppose, master, you hear the story first, and understand it a'terwards?"

Two days later a patrol was found at the foot o the Devil's Chimney, heads bashed in. Blow'd over o course! Week a'terwards petty officer found drowned in dew-pond top o Warren Hill. Accident o course! Next day common seaman hung in his own braces Jevington Holt. Suicide o course!

This `emporium' does not seem to be exactly a commercial emporium." "The fact is, the flour is intended for the Havanna; and I fancy it is to be shipped for slavers. But I am to know nothing of all that, you'll understand, lieutenant. If I sell my flour in American waters, at two prices, it's no concern of mine what becomes of it a'terwards."

"I can truly say that when I married Molly, and old Captain Swash put his da'ghter's hand into mine, that the woman was n't living who was better in my judgment, or handsomer in my eyes." "Ay, ay when you married her; but how was it a'terwards? when you was tired of her, and saw another that was fairer in your eyes?" "I desarted her; and God has punished me for the sin!

That wouldn't do, so you had 'em stowed again; and stowed they will be for the rest of the watch, as far as I'm concarned. The night's fine, and the breeze as steady as a breeze can be, and the old barkie 'd carry r'yals and skys'ls too for the matter o' that, but if they was set we should have to stow 'em again five minutes a'terwards; so let 'em be, say I."

"Deerslayer, if we can find the key, I will authorize you to open the chest, and to take such things from it as you may think will buy father's ransom." "First find the key, gal; we'll talk of the rest a'terwards. Sarpent, you've eyes like a fly, and a judgment that's seldom out.

"Not exactly in navigation, Miss Rose, but clearing out, with honest folk, ought to come first, and navigation a'terwards. Clearing out means going through the Custom-House, accordin' to law." "And the Molly Swash has cleared out, I hope?" "Sartain a more lawful clearance was never given in Wall Street; it's for Key West and a market.