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In the following year, John Batman, of Hobart, sailing from the same stirring little Launceston, entered by the central and grander portal of the Port Phillip Heads, and was thus the pioneer of Port Phillip settlement; for we must really turn blundering Collins, with his abortive doings in 1803-4, out of the running.

The first work has been translated into English: they are both full of information, especially respecting Albania, though more accurate investigations, or perhaps different views and opinions, have induced subsequent travellers to differ from him in some respects. Bartholdy, Voyage en Grèce, 1803-4. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Moeurs, Usages, Costumes des Ottomans. Par Castellan.

Part of the territory was transferred from Spain to France and then from France to the United States. It was intended that the exploring party should pass the winter of 1803-4 in St. Louis, then a mere village which had been commonly known as Pain Court.

But the new American Confederation was too weak financially to support his views, and the piracy and tribute continued until Captain Decatur bombarded Tripoli and chastised Algiers, during Jefferson's presidency, 1803-4.

In 1803-4, when he wished to be governor of Orleans Territory, the Tennessee congressmen urged President Jefferson to appoint him, but he was represented to the President as "a man of violent passions, arbitrary in his disposition, and frequently engaged in broils and disputes."

On the day after our return from El-Haura the venerable old man paid us a visit aboard Sinnar. He declares that he was a boy when the Wahhabi occupied Meccah and El-Medinah that is, in 1803-4. Yet he has wives and young children. His principal want is a pair of new eyes; and the train of thought is, "I can't see when older men than myself can."

All these ends were accomplished with a degree of success that made the enterprise one of the greatest achievements in our history. The explorers, having ascended the Missouri in their boats, and finding themselves, as winter came on, near the Mandan villages, decided to remain there until the spring. Accordingly they passed the winter, 1803-4, among these interesting tribesmen.

As the winter of 1803-4 approached, and it became evident that Spain was to persevere in her neutrality, Nelson removed his fleet to a rendezvous about thirty miles south of Cape San Sebastian, on the Spanish coast the Number 97 continually mentioned in his official letters to captains.

But this work by no means is confined to such topics; and the remarks with which it abounds on more interesting subjects, are so evidently the fruit of an acute and original mind, that they equally command our attention, and instruct us. Voyage en Hanovre, 1803-4. Par M.A.B. Mangourit. Paris, 1805. 8vo.