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It was enough to drive the unlucky judge mad as well. But no! The siren had been unfortunate in her choice of a ballad. For, at the mere name of Mam'zelle Zizi, Frantz was suddenly transported to a gloomy chamber in the Marais, a long way from Sidonie's salon, and his compassionate heart evoked the image of little Desiree Delobelle, who had loved him so long.

"Are you still in pain, my Zizi?" asked his mother, who had been gazing at him throughout the meal. He started and blushed as he said that he was very well now, but the worn-out insatiate expression of a girl who has danced too much did not fade from his face. "What's the matter with your neck?" resumed Mme Hugon in an alarmed tone. "It's all red." He was embarrassed and stammered.

"Oh, most surely she did! Why, she cried out! But it's my fault. He didn't want to come with us; I forced him to. Now listen, Zizi, would you like me to write to your mamma? She looks such a kind, decent sort of lady! I'll tell her that I never saw you before and that it was Steiner who brought you with him for the first time today." "No, no, don't write," said Georges in great anxiety.

Since that time there has always been plenty to eat in that country, and since that time, too, you see in the midst of the fair-haired blue-eyed women of Flanders a few beautiful girls, whose eyes are black and whose skins are the colour of gold. They are the descendants of Zizi. Charles Deulin, Contes du Roi Gambrinus.

Ah! if they could but meet. Suppose she should accost that feverish watcher, should ask him to direct her: "I beg your pardon, Monsieur. How can I get to the Seine?" He would recognize her at once. "What! Can it be you, Mam'zelle Zizi? What are you doing out-of-doors at this time of night?" "I am going to die, Frantz. You have taken away all my pleasure in living."

'I am waiting for my lover, Zizi replied; and then, with a simplicity quite natural in a girl who so lately had been a canary, she told all her story. The gypsy had often seen the young Prince pass by, with his gun on his shoulder, when he was going after crows.

Sans ca il n'y a pas de valeur, tu comprends! Zizi inserted an occasional electrical question. It was discreetly ignored always. They asked about the Bank payments, the mortgages, the future of their much-loved old house, and of themselves; and the answers, so vague concerning any detailed things to come, were very positive indeed about the Bank.

Ah! if they could but meet. Suppose she should accost that feverish watcher, should ask him to direct her: "I beg your pardon, Monsieur. How can I get to the Seine?" He would recognize her at once. "What! Can it be you, Mam'zelle Zizi? What are you doing out-of-doors at this time of night?" "I am going to die, Frantz. You have taken away all my pleasure in living."

It was the soft little tap of a daintily gloved hand which fears to soil itself by the slightest touch. "Come in!" said Desiree, with a slight gesture of impatience; and Sidonie appeared, lovely, coquettish, and affable. She had come to see her little Zizi, to embrace her as she was passing by. She had been meaning to come for so long.

'My dear Zizi, said Tubby's son, 'we cannot present ourselves before my father like two common people who have come back from a walk. We must enter the castle with more ceremony. Wait for me here, and in an hour I will return with carriages and horses fit for a princess. 'Don't be long, replied Zizi, and she watched him go with wistful eyes.