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Ye say well, said Sir Tristram, and so I take you, and I forgive you. So then they rode into their pavilions; and when they were alighted they unarmed them and washed their faces and hands, and so yode unto meat, and were set at their table. But when Isoud saw Sir Palomides she changed then her colours, and for wrath she might not speak.

And when Sir Launcelot had done this, he yode unto the damosel and said, Damosel, I am ready to go with you where ye will have me, but I have no horse. Fair sir, said she, take this wounded knight's horse and send him into this manor, and command him to deliver all the prisoners. So Sir Launcelot went unto Gaheris, and prayed him not to be aggrieved for to lend him his horse.

"'Smyte on boldly, sayd Robyn, 'I give thee large leve. Anon our kynge, with that word, He folde up his sleve. "And such a buffet he gave Robyn, To grounde he yode full nere. 'I make myn avowe, sayd Robyn, 'Thou art a stalwarte frere. "'There is pyth in thyn arme, sayd Robyn, 'I trowe thou canst well shoote. Thus our kynge and Hobyn Hode Together they are met."

And then they yode both on foot to them, and bade them yield them, and tell their names outher they should die. Then with great pain Sir Andred spake first, and said: It is King Mark of Cornwall, therefore be ye ware what ye do, and I am Sir Andred, his cousin.

Anon as the king wist that, he took the queen in his hand, and yode unto Sir Launcelot, and said: Sir, grant mercy of your great travail that ye have had this day for me and for my queen.

And then he gart to unarm him, and beat him with thorns all naked, and sithen put him down in a deep dungeon, where he knew many of his fellows. But when Sir Ector saw Sir Lionel, then made he great sorrow. Alas, brother, said Sir Ector, where is my brother Sir Launcelot? Fair brother, I left him asleep when that I from him yode, under an apple-tree, and what is become of him I cannot tell you.

Then in all haste she sent for her father Bagdemagus that was within twelve mile of that Abbey, and afore even he came, with a fair fellowship of knights with him. And when the king was alighted off his horse he yode straight unto Sir Launcelot's chamber and there he found his daughter, and then the king embraced Sir Launcelot in his arms, and either made other good cheer.

"Where be the Earth-kings who from where they 'bode, * Sped and to grave yards with their hoardings yode: Erst on their mounting-days there hadst beheld * Hosts that concealed the ground whereon they rode: How many a king they humbled in their day! * How many a host they led and laid on load! But from th' Empyrean's Lord in haste there came * One word, and joy waxed grief ere morning glowed."

Gabriel's anxiety was great that Boldwood might be saved, even though in his conscience he felt that he ought to die; for there had been qualities in the farmer which Oak loved. At last, when they all were weary the tramp of a horse was heard in the distance First dead, as if on turf it trode, Then, clattering on the village road In other pace than forth he yode.

"Consider thou, O man, what these places to thee showed * And be upon thy guard ere thou travel the same road: And prepare thee good provision some day may serve thy turn * For each dweller in the house needs must yede wi' those who yode Consider how this people their palaces adorned * And in dust have been pledged for the seed of acts they sowed They built but their building availed them not, and hoards * Nor saved their lives nor day of Destiny forslowed: How often did they hope for what things were undecreed. * And passed unto their tombs before Hope the bounty showed And from high and awful state all a sudden they were sent * To the straitness of the grave and oh! base is their abode: Then came to them a Crier after burial and cried, * What booted thrones or crowns or the gold to you bestowed: Where now are gone the faces hid by curtain and by veil, * Whose charms were told in proverbs, those beauties a-la-mode?