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"An' he jes clum up de side uv de den, he did; an' soon's uber his feet tech de yeath, he sez ter de king, sezee, 'King, hit ain't no usen fur yer ter fool erlong o' me, sezee; 'I'm er prayin' man mysef, an I 'low ter live an' die on my knees er prayin' an' er sarvin' de Lord. Sezee, 'De Lord ain't gwine let de lions meddle long o' me, sezee; 'I ain't fyeard o' nufn, sezee.

He let a yell like forty yaller cats a courtin', an' den he broke. You ain't seed no nigger hump hisse'f like dat nigger. He tore down de well shelter and fo' pannils er fence, an' de groun' look like wunner deze yer harrycanes had lit dar and fanned up de yeath." "Why, I thought you killed him?" "He bleedzed ter be dead, boss. Ain't I put de gun right on 'im?

De grinestone wuz in sight er de gate en close ter de big 'ouse, en dar I tuck my stan'. "Bimeby one day, yer come de Yankees. Two un um come fus, en den de whole face er de yeath swawm'd wid um. De fus glimpse I kotch un um, I tuck my axe en march inter Ole Miss settin'-room.

F' instance, dey's a young nigger gwine ter school in town, en he come out heah de yuther day en 'lowed dat de sun stood still en de yeath turnt roun' eve'y day on a kinder axletree.

I tol' dat young nigger ef he didn' take hisse'f 'way wid dem lies, I 'd take a buggy-trace ter 'im; fer I sees de yeath stan'in' still all de time, en I sees de sun gwine roun' it, en ef a man can't b'lieve w'at 'e sees, I can't see no use in libbin' mought's well die en be whar we can't see nuffin.

'I mun get a new un, said Hazel. 'It unna mend. I'll go to town to-morrow. 'Shall you bide with yer auntie the night over? 'Ah. 'I shanna look for your face till I see your shadow, then. You can bring a tuthree wreath-frames. There's old Samson at the Yeath unna last long; they'll want a wreath made. Hazel sat and considered her new dress.

"Den he 'gun ter call up de mo'ners, an' dey come too! Mun, de whole yeath wuz erlive wid 'em: de white folks dey went up; an' de niggers dey went up; an' de pater-rollers dey went up; an' de king he went up; an' dey all come thu an' got 'ligion; an' fum dat day dem folks is er sarvin' de Lord.