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"He rode up to Major Lockwood's house with his dragoons, and says he: 'Burn me this arch rebel's nest! And the next minute the Yagers were running in and out, setting fire to the curtains and lighting bundles of hay in every room. And I saw the Major's lady stand there on her doorstep and demand the reason for such barbarity the house already afire behind her. Mrs.

I went through the woods and the Sunday quiet of the camps without trouble, saying I had lost my way, and innocently showing my pass to everybody. Back and to south of the works on Callowhill were the Hessians and the Fourth foot. The Seventh and Fourteenth British Grenadiers lay from Delaware Seventh to westward; the Yagers at Schuylkill Third street, or where that would be on Mr.

SERGEANT. The Terzky regiments, both horse and foot, Will thus resolve, and will keep them to't. The Walloons and the Lombards one intent. FIRST YAGER. Freedom is Yagers' own element. SECOND YAGER. Freedom must ever with might entwine I live and will die by Wallenstein. FIRST SHARPSHOOTER. The Lorrainers go on with the strongest tide, Where spirits are light and courage tried.

Henry Lee with part of his cavalry, fell in with a party of 15 chasseurs and about 100 yagers under Captain Donop, on whom they made such a rapid charge that without the loss of a man, they killed ten of them on the spot and took about twenty prisoners.

The Indians did not give us a very long rest, for with, another desperate charge, as if to ride over us, they came dashing towards the mule barricade. We gave them a hot reception from our yagers and revolvers. They could not stand, or understand, the rapidly repeating fire of the revolvers, and we again checked them.

FIRST CUIRASSIER. 'Tis what none need be wondrous glad to learn. The Soldiers press round him. To the Netherlands they would lend us now Cuirassiers, Yagers, and Shooters away, Eight thousand in all must march, they say. SUTLER-WOMAN. What! What! again the old wandering way I got back from Flanders but yesterday! You of Butler's corps must tramp with the rest.

"But there's a guard, stationed across yonder." "Pish, a corporal's squad, just about opposite at the ferry landin', an' a company of Yagers down at Gloucester. There's plenty room between for a bold lad to find free passage." The two fell silent, staring out over the water.

While they were thus smiting the company of yagers from the front, the Seneschal abandoned the battlefield and went into the garden. By his side strode the cautious Protazy, to whom the Seneschal was quietly issuing orders.

The yagers, letting them come near, poured upon them a hail of bullets; Isajewicz, Wilbik, and Razor fell wounded; then the gentry were checked by Robak on one side and Maciej on the other. The gentry cooled in their ardour, glanced about, and retired; the Muscovites saw this, and Captain Rykov planned to give the final blow, to drive the gentry from the yard and seize the mansion.

But the train hands quickly sprung to their feet, rallied promptly for the fight, and met the advancing red-skins with a volley from their Mississippi yagers, which were loaded with ball and buck-shot, and checked their advance. Knowing that they could not hold out there the train-master called out: "Boys, make a run for the river, and the banks will protect us."