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'You are going to Yaff, wretched girl! repeated Tchertop-hanov, and he was on the point of seizing her by the shoulder, but, meeting her eyes, he was abashed, and stood uneasily where he was. 'I am not going to Mr. Yaff, Panteley Eremyitch, replied Masha in soft, even tones; 'it's only I can't live with you any longer. 'Can't live with me? Why not? Have I offended you in some way?

On the Jew, Yaff, Masha, the deacon, the Cossack-thief, all his neighbours, the whole world, himself? His brain was giving way. The last card was trumped! And as to the service the jade could be to him!... as though he would ever deign to get astride of him? Never! on no consideration!!... He would sell him to a Tartar for dog's meat it deserved no better end.... Yes, that would be best!

He overtook her a mile and a half from his house, near a birch wood, on the high-road to the district town. The sun was sinking on the horizon, and everything was suddenly suffused with purple glow trees, plants, and earth alike. 'To Yaff! to Yaff! groaned Tchertop-hanov directly he caught sight of Masha. 'Going to Yaff! he repeated, running up to her, and almost stumbling at every step.

Yaff, who, as a true man of the world, not liking the solitude of the country, resided in the district town, 'to be nearer the young ladies, as he expressed it. Tchertop-hanov did not find Yaff; he had, in the words of his valet, set off for Moscow the evening before.

The first blow that fell upon him was the most heartrending for him. Masha left him. What induced her to forsake his roof, where she seemed to be so thoroughly at home, it is hard to say. Tchertop-hanov to the end of his days clung to the conviction that a certain young neighbour, a retired captain of Uhlans, named Yaff, was at the root of Masha's desertion.

'Mr. Yaff, Masha was beginning.... 'A fine Mister Yaff! Tchertop-hanov mimicked her. 'He's an underhand rascal, a low cur that's what he is and a phiz like an ape's! For fully half-an-hour Tchertop-hanov was struggling with Masha. He came close to her, he fell back, he shook his fists at her, he bowed down before her, he wept, he scolded.

Tchertop-hanov jumped up swiftly and seized Masha from behind by her two elbows. 'You are going away like this, serpent, to Yaff! 'Good-bye! Masha repeated sharply and significantly; she tore herself away and walked off.

'Masha! cried Tchertop-hanov, striking himself a blow on the chest with his fist; 'there, stop it; hush, you have tortured me... now, it's enough! O my God! think only what Tisha will say; you might have pity on him, at least! 'Remember me to Tihon Ivanitch, and tell him... Tchertop-hanov wrung his hands. 'No, you are talking nonsense you are not going! Your Yaff may wait for you in vain!

Saying these words, Tchertop-hanov jumped off the sofa and majestically withdrew. But the cavalry captain Yaff did not demand satisfaction from him indeed, he never met him anywhere and Tchertop-hanov did not think of seeking his enemy out, and no scandal followed. Masha herself soon after this disappeared beyond all trace. Tchertop-hanov took to drink; however, he 'reformed' later.

"Whup! whup! whup! yaff! yaff!" said Dick, as they came up to a field containing a flock of sheep, heavy with their long wool; and over the hedge he went headlong amongst them, making the poor timid, stupid creatures run as fast as their legs would carry them, with their heavy fleeces touzling and shaking about till each sheep looked like a magnified thrum mop being shaken to get rid of the water.