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They glared for three minutes in silence and like statues, except that each tail-tip was twisting. The Yellow began again. "Yow-ow-ow!" in deep tone. "Ya-a-a a-a!" screamed the Black, with intent to strike terror by his yell; but he retreated one sixteenth of an inch. The Yellow walked up a long half-inch; their whiskers were mixing now; another advance, and their noses almost touched.

Silvey halted to pant a defiant "Ya-a-a, ya-a-a. Can't catch us. Can't catch us." John pulled his chum's arm impatiently and pointed to the vacant house just three lots south of Silvey's home. "Look," he whispered, suddenly cautious. "Some one's forgotten to close the front door tight. We can lock it from the inside and go up to the attic.

Why, Sadie and I went skating the night you couldn't find your fat horse and sleigh." "Ya-a-a " yelled Payley, with a sudden shriek of laughter. "Never knew who took your rig, did you, Sim?" "You you " said Sim, glaring at Banks. "You confounded horse thief, I believe you took Sadie in my own sleigh." "Ain't he bright, Pudge," gasped Payley, "only took him thirty years to catch on."

And Tonty, his Italian friend and fellow adventurer Tonty of the satins and velvets, graceful, tactful, poised, a shadowy figure; his menacing iron hand, so feared by the ignorant savages, encased always in a glove. Surely a perfumed g Slap! A rude shove that jerked her head back sharply and sent her forward, stumbling, and jarred her like a fall. "Ya-a-a! Tag! You're it! Fanny's it!"