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They were old playfellows years before I came here, and Sir Christopher has set his heart on their marrying. 'Captain Wybrow, you are very false. It had nothing to do with Mr. Gilfil that she coloured last night when you leaned over her chair. You might just as well be candid. If your own mind is not made up, pray do no violence to yourself.

Here and there Doctor Wybrow detected the faces of some of his brethren of the club, attracted by curiosity, like himself. Four persons only stood before the altar the bride and bridegroom and their two witnesses. One of these last was an elderly woman, who might have been the Countess's companion or maid; the other was undoubtedly her brother, Baron Rivar.

He had been dreaming of the boarding-house in Philadelphia where he used to live, of Miss Wybrow, the proprietress, and the other guests, Miss Sparrow, Mr. Moese born Moses Mr. Hoffman, the part proprietor of Sharpes' Drug Store, Mrs. Bertine, and the rest. He watched whilst Mr. Church passed to the door, received the morning tea tray from the servant outside, and, placing it by the bed, withdrew.

He will soon love that beautiful woman, and forget a poor little pale thing like you. Thus love, anger, and jealousy were struggling in that young soul. 'Besides, Tina, continued Captain Wybrow in still gentler tones, 'I shall not succeed. Miss Assher very likely prefers some one else; and you know I have the best will in the world to fail.

'Why do you push me away, Tina? said Captain Wybrow in a half-whisper; 'are you angry with me for what a hard fate puts upon me? Would you have me cross my uncle who has done so much for us both in his dearest wish? You know I have duties we both have duties before which feeling must be sacrificed.

Whatever the explanation may be, the event that actually happened was beyond all doubt. Exactly as Doctor Wybrow passed his consulting-room, the door opened the lady appeared on the threshold and laid her hand on his arm. 'I entreat you, sir, not to go away without letting me speak to you first. The accent was foreign; the tone was low and firm.

Without the slightest outward appearance of agitation, she put the 'painful question' in these extraordinary words: 'I want to know, if you please, whether I am in danger of going mad? Some men might have been amused, and some might have been alarmed. Doctor Wybrow was only conscious of a sense of disappointment. Was this the rare case that he had anticipated, judging rashly by appearances?

Captain Wybrow, of course, joined his aunt and Miss Assher, and Mr. Gilfil tried to relieve Caterina from the awkwardness of sitting aloof and dumb, by telling her how a friend of his had broken his arm and staked his horse that morning, not at all appearing to heed that she hardly listened, and was looking towards the other side of the room.

Captain Wybrow appeared to take the matter very easily, and was inclined to brave it out by paying more than ordinary attention to Caterina. Mr. Gilfil had induced her to play a game at draughts with him, Lady Assher being seated at picquet with Sir Christopher, and Miss Assher in determined conversation with Lady Cheverel.

I answered, of course, that I was a friend. Dr. Wybrow went on. "Will you pardon me if I venture on an indiscreet question? When you are acquainted with the circumstances, I am sure you will understand and excuse me. Are you aware of any what shall I call it? any romantic incident in Mr. Winterfield's past life?"