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"I'm not going to ask about your literary methods, or do a kodak write-up of the way you brush your hair, or any of that rot. I merely want you to say something about Sunday Weeks. That's legitimate, isn't it? Sunday's a public character now, you know. Every one talks about her. So why shouldn't you, who know her best?" It was the voice of the siren.

Banneker went to the queer, decrepit frame cottage at the address given, and there found a group of old Sam Corpenshire's congeners, in solemn conclave over the dead. They welcomed the reporter, and gave him a ceremonial drink of whiskey, highly superior whiskey. They were glad that he had come to write of their dead friend. If ever a man deserved a good write-up, it was Sam Corpenshire.

Mac maintains with stubborn ingenuity that Doctor Johnson and Goldsmith did "write-ups," just as Shakespeare wrote melodramas, and Turner did "bird's-eye views." I make no such claim. The point is that a write-up brings in fifty dollars, while sonnets are a drug in the market. For this reason I sprang out of bed with unusual alacrity and prepared to catch the eight o'clock express.

Even the Herald's rival, the Evening Times, dropped for a time the normal acrimony of its references to the Herald, and sent a reporter to make a laudatory write-up of the wedding. On the night before the event, deep in the evening, Giddings and a bibulous friend insisted on having refreshments served to them in the parlor of the clubhouse. This was a violation of rules.

Feature it as a typical Klondyke card game. I'll give you a two-page write-up. Why, it's the greatest thing I ever did! "'I'm sorry, says Morrow, thoughtful, 'but you musn't run it. "'What! says he, and I thinks, 'Oh, Lord! There goes my only show to get perpetufied in ink. "'I can't let you use it. My wife might see it. "'Your wife! says I. 'Are you married, pardner?

When he had finished his annoyance was over; pride beamed from his face as if a light was lit behind it. "I guess there ain't many of 'em get a write-up like that." He put the book aside and began a second attack on the supper. "Crowder's some friend. His little finger's worth more'n the whole kit and crew you've had danglin' round you since you started." "You're right."

But the other fellows would find some other way of using that home-paper write-up as a club for pounding us every now and then. Mr. Pollock, believe me, cadet is mighty lucky whose home paper doesn't say anything about him." "What is the matter?" asked the editor gravely. "Are the other cadets jealous?" "No; it isn't that," Prescott answered.

He shall have them, together with a write-up that will make this town's hair stand on end. And, by the way, don't you think you had better get at it while it's fresh?" "Don't you fear. It will never fade, my boy. It is in my mind to stay." "Look here, don't let that joke turn on you," said Warren. "It would be serious if you should fall in love with her." "Yes, but I won't."

The Stetson write-up had given a very different story. If it told the truth, many things she had been brought up to accept without question would bear study. James suavely explained. "The facts are true, but not the inferences from the facts. Jeff takes rather a one-sided view of a very complex situation. But he's perfectly honest in it, so far as that goes." "You voted for his bill, didn't you?"

My missus says they was all specially pleased with the music." "That's good." "The Morning Leader give it a fine write-up. How was the rest of the papers?" "Splendid, all of them. I haven't seen the evening papers yet. I came out to get them." Mac looked down the street. "There'll be a rehearsal this afternoon, I suppose, sir? Here's Miss Dore coming along." George followed his glance.