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There was no great rush, but the lectures drew well and abundantly paid all expenses including the lecturer's fee. The press did not take much notice of the lectures, for the Workingman's party had no newspapers expressly in its favor, except the one I have already quoted from. But he was one of the few men whose power is great enough to advertise itself. Wherever he was he was felt.

These with many other evils of the workingman's condition were pushed aside in order to perfect the defense system and get the small arms factories in good working order, for such were the plain indications of the game that the Labor Party had started out to play. 'We're in; let us stay in. "Meantime there remains this awkward fact about the condition of the working class.

I could not bring back the man's name, although I was sure that his picture was inscribed on the top "Our Choice," and at the bottom he was characterised as somebody's friend I could not recall whether he was the People's friend, or the Workingman's, or the Bronx's. I could not even make out his features, although, oddly enough, I could see the trout very distinctly.

Not that she did not need help; but she wished no disagreeable scene with the workingman's wife who might open the door as they passed his family's flat. She went upstairs, the man waiting below until she should be safe and out of the way. She staggered into her room, tottered to the bed, fell upon it.

She begged, this blind girl, standing with rent shoes in the sloppy mud. In Sydney, in 1889, in the workingman's paradise, she stood on the kerb, this blind girl, and begged begged from her own people. And in their poverty, their weariness, their brutishness, they pitied her. None mocked, and many paused, and some gave. They never thought of her being an impostor.

One is a rough suit, like a workingman's; another is a black-and-white sort of suit a check-suit; de oder one is for you a clargy's suit, sir. You make very nice young minister, for sure." "All right, Dan!" Vincent said laughing; "give me the minister's suit." "Then I will be the countryman," Geary said.

Bazin's first romance, 'Stephanette', was published under the pseudonym "Bernard Seigny," in 1884; then followed 'Victor Pavie ; Noellet ; A l'Aventure and Sicile , two books on Italy, of which the last mentioned was likewise crowned by the French Academy; 'La Legende de Sainte-Bega ; La Sarcelle Bleue ; Madame Corentine ; Les Italiens d'aujousd'hui ; Humble Amour ; En Province ; De toute son Ame , a realistic but moderate romance of a workingman's life; 'Les Contes de Perrette ; La Terre qui Meurt ; Le Guide de l'Empereur ; Les Oberle , a tale from Alsace of to-day, sketching the political situation, approximately correct, and lately adapted for the stage; 'Donatienne' .

"She doesn't put on the fine lady or talk to me as though I was somebody different because I am a workingman's wife. I haven't many friends; the people down here are so different from the people up in the country. But I think she is the best friend I ever had. There, she's coming up now," she said, hearing the clatter of feet and voices ascending the stairway.

William joined us in the suburbs, bringing the baby with him, as I had foreseen they would all be occupied with it, and to save me the trouble of conversing with them. Mrs. Hicking I found too pale and fragile for a workingman's wife, and I formed a mean opinion of her intelligence from her pride in the baby, which was a very ordinary one.

He was like a gourmand dyspeptic who has long hesitated before trying the diet of a workingman and when someone has whisked him off to a sanitarium and fed him bran and milk until he has forgotten nerves, headaches, and logginess he vows eternal thankfulness to bran and milk, and is humbly setting out to adopt the workingman's diet instead of the old-time menus.