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His discourses abound with Evangelical truth, set off usually in fine delineations of Scriptural scenes and characters. He has extraordinary dramatic talent, and only needs the culture of the schools, in addition to his present gifts and graces, to place him in the front rank as a speaker. Brother Woodhead is one of the best Pastors I have ever known.

Her narrow cell is reported to have often resounded with peals of laughter to the scandal of some of her sisters. In support of all that, I have marked a score of Socratic passages in Woodhead, and Dalton, and Lewis, and Father Coleridge, and Mrs. Cunninghame Graham. They are very delicious passages and very tempting. But were they once begun there would be no end to them.

Good God! I can stand a fool as far as any man can, Mr. Narkom, but when it comes to this Look here, you, Mr. Woodhead, or Thickhead, or whatever your infernal name is " "Call a spade a spade, my dear captain. The name is Cleek, if you can't remember my other." "Cleek!"

Having been granted license to preach, and sent into the Itinerancy by these brethren, they were disposed to assert a special interest in the Presiding Elder. Besides, the Society, under the ministrations of Brother Woodhead, was in a happy spiritual condition, a satisfactory pledge of a good meeting.

On the stations, and during his four years on the District, he had done efficient work, and was now brought to Ripon as the successor of Brother Woodhead, where he was well received. After leaving Ripon, his appointments have been, Presiding Elder on the Waupaca District four years, Waupaca Station, Second Church, Oshkosh, and Omro, his present field.

Let me so read thy life, that I Unto all life of mine may die. * The translations in the following pages are mainly those of Woodhead and Lewis. I had a father and a mother who both feared God. My father had his chief delight in the reading of good books, and he did his best to give his children the same happy taste.

Sims Woodhead, professor in Cambridge University, England, had given the following list of conditions in which alcohol should not be used: In those who have any family history of drunkenness, insanity or nervous disease. Who have used alcohol to excess in childhood or youth. Who are nervous, irritable or badly nourished.

It seemed to him that his uncle told some queer tales at home about their summer stock. And when Reuben announced his intention of going by himself to Woodhead, and leaving David at home, the boy was still more astonished.

Rev. J.T. Woodhead. Waupun. Rev. D.W. Couch. Lamartine. Rev. I.S. Eldridge. Horicon. Rev. Walter McFarlane. The Conference of 1865 was held Oct. 4th in Summerfield Church, Milwaukee, Bishop Baker presiding, and assisted by Bishop Ames. Rev. Samuel Fallows was elected Secretary, and Revs. Wm. P. Stowe, E.D. Farnham and R.W. Bosworth Assistants.

The audience room was not completed until the Pastorate of Rev. J.T. Woodhead in 1862. Brother Woodhead was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Anderson. Brother Morse had entered the traveling connection in the State of New York, had located, and had come West, seeking health for his wife.