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The weary burden of dread is lifted off my heart, and I feel young again. Just think of it! My Elsie will be well and strong once more! It seems too good to be true. Always your attached friend, JANET HOWARD. Mrs. Winship's voice quivered as she read the last few words, and Polly and Bell threw themselves into each other's arms and cried for sheer gladness. 'Come, come, dears!

Winship's lecture on my head and getting my best friend abused, that I was glad to get away from the camp, and went out with Jack for that reason when I was too tired and warm; and you are always trying to cut me out with Bell and the boys.

This narrative of Fray Marcos is taken, in the main, from George Parker Winship's introduction to his translation of Castaneda's narrative, published in the fourteenth annual report of the United States Bureau of Ethnology. This friar was born in Nice, then a part of Savoy, and he came to America about the year 1531.

John Burke, why've you kept us in the dark these months and months? I'm I'm really ashamed of you!" Her plump gloved hands seized Mr. Winship's, while her small, swift, bird- like eyes looked reproach at me. "Patience, Mrs. Baker; patience!" rejoined the Judge. "Is not an engaged man entitled to his secrets? Has it escaped your memory how, once upon a time, you and I ." "There, now, Bake!

Winship's pleasure in the visit, gave another flavour to the dinner than that of the fatted calf, and warmed the atmosphere out of its chill reminiscence of the encounter with Hynes. The children, too, were a resource, though for a minute Joy was a terror. Baker, junior, was offering me a kodak picture, when she came running up to look at it.

"What have you been doing to bring you into Winship's office?" As Charlie continued to sit silent, he turned to the sheriff. "I'll explain, Mr. Menocal, but what I have to say won't be pleasant hearing for you," Lee stated, at a nod from Winship. "Take this chair, if you please." The banker sat down, heavily. He sighed, while his fat cheeks shook with a slight tremble.

Castaneda, in Winship's monograph. Fourteenth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology, p. 429. For the author's views on Coronado's route see the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, December, 1897. Those views have been confirmed by later study, the only change being the shifting of Cibola from the Florida Mountains north-westerly to the region of the Gila.

"I'll see if I can't find some way to satisfy those chaps when the time comes." His visitor rose and put foot in stirrup. "If any of these Mexicans grow ugly, let me know," he remarked. "I'll tell them where to head in. Drop in at my office at the courthouse when you're in town; Winship's my name.

"It was found pinned to Miss Reid's bedspread," he said; "is that Miss Winship's handwriting?" "Yes," I answered. The shaky letters were unrecognisable. "Don't you see! To say farewell," wailed Kitty. "She's done it a hundred times when she started for school before I was up. Barnard is so far. Oh, I can't bear it! How could you, Helen?" "Don't, Kitty," said Cadge, drawing her from the room.

This was the climax to Polly's misery; for she was already so overcome by the thought of her rudeness that she was on the point of begging Laura's pardon for that particular speech then and there, and she had only to hear her exact words repeated to feel how they would sound in Mrs. Winship's ears. Mrs.