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And this time I put the cartes bye, firmly determined that my usual easy and pliant mood in fair company would be my own enemy no more. "Another chappin of ale," said he. "Tearlach, get Elrigmore to bide another bit. Tuts, the night's but young, the chap of two and a fine clear clean air with a wind behind you for Shira Glen." "Wheest!" said Tearlach of a sudden, and he put up a hand.

"Ay," replied the other woman stealing along the wall to the doorway of the older woman, and slipping inside as if she were afraid of being detected. "It's a hell o' a business when blackguards cast oot." "Wheest, Annie, dinna swear," remonstrated the old woman.

And as we made our way over the gravelly shore I saw a crouching figure rise from among the wrack and come to us. "Oh, oh; have ye come for me, father? Have ye come for me at last?" and a girl flung herself into McKelvie's arms, and hung there crying. "Wheest, lass, wheest," commanded the innkeeper sternly.

"Wae's me, wae's me, will ye not have enough truck wi' the wenches already that ye mak' me lie eching and pechin' and listening for the death-watch on sic a nicht," and at that Jean giggled hysterically and crept closer to Tam, and the old dame turned on her like a flash. "Wheest, ye besom, wi' your deleries; there's trouble enough aboot the night without you skirling like a craking hen.

"Phe-e-eew-ee," whistled the driver with the sweet, cheery, rising notes of a bird. "Chk, chk, chk! Phe-e-eewee. Go on there, boys! Chk, chk, chk! Step up, there Dan, step up! G'-wan-g'-wan, g'-wan! Chk, clik, chk! Wheest, wheest, wheest! Clik, chk!" In the house the women were setting the table for supper.

But it was beyond human nature to endure this longer, and John interrupted almost with a scream. 'Oh, wheest! he cried, 'that's not all, that's not the worst of it it's nothing! How could I tell you were proud of me? Oh! I wish, I wish that I had known; but you always said I was such a disgrace!

"Wheest, my lassie, my poor wee lassie," said her father; "there's nae harm will come on you, wi' your father and Robin beside ye; but you will not be mentioning any Goat's Ledge, for the devil himself will carry word to the Preventives."

That is but natural; for he is no philosopher, nor does he bother " "Wheest, will ye!" Tommy fiercely whispered. "Your gabble'll bring it doon aboot oor heads." Life is brief in the Northland, and fulfilment ever clutters the heels of prophecy. A premonitory tremor sighed down the air, and the rainbow wall swayed above them. The three paddles gripped the water with common accord.

"Wheest, man! juist here's where we come to the snuff, for, look ye, every time I bought a paper o' snuff I minded me that ma brither Alan, not takkin' it himself, was so much siller tae the gude an' oh, man! it used tae grieve me sair till, one day, I lighted on this bit hoosie." "Well?" said I. "What, d'ye no see it?" "No, indeed," I answered.

"Come nearer, ye devil, and don't speak so loud, or a' the servants 'll be damned and sent to hell for lack o' attention." "Jock McGilp was saying the turf was in and the seagull's a bonny bird." "Wheest noo and listen, ye graceless deevil. . . ."