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The out-and-out young gentleman is usually no great dresser, his instructions to his tailor being all comprehended in the one general direction to 'make that what's-a-name a regular bang-up sort of thing. For some years past, the favourite costume of the out-and-out young gentleman has been a rough pilot coat, with two gilt hooks and eyes to the velvet collar; buttons somewhat larger than crown-pieces; a black or fancy neckerchief, loosely tied; a wide-brimmed hat, with a low crown; tightish inexpressibles, and iron-shod boots.

"Perry," said uncle George, removing his hat to ruffle his curls, "you've heard of bears robbed of cubs, of the Hyr what's-a-name tiger " "Hyrcanian, George!" murmured uncle Jervas. "Well, they're playful pets in comparison. How is your aunt? B'gad, Perry, my lad, that's precisely the dooce of it, d'ye see!" "She she is very well, I hope?" faltered I. "Assuredly!" answered my uncle Jervas.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. What's-a-name," he cried, "I do not believe a single word you are telling me. However, I am satisfied that in you I have discovered, as I have every reason to hope, one of the most preposterous liars I have for a long time fell in with.

'Do you suppose he reads the Jewish what's-a-name, like you? Why, he's never heard of it! 'Then you ought to show him a copy. 'Oh, mother! and he laughed again. 'That would only prove to him there are too many Jews everywhere. A cloud began to spread over Mrs. Cohn's hard-won content. But apparently it only shadowed her own horizon. Simon was as happily full of his Lucy as ever.

Perry may look a a what's-a-name vision, but he's a Vereker for all that lad o' spirit beautiful pair o' black eyes, though you can't see 'em for dirt " My aunt moaned feebly. "But dirt, my dear soul, dirt won't harm him, nor black eyes do him good, d'ye see, do him a world o' good, doing him good every minute "