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A record written at that time says, "His Excellency with sundry of the Council, Justices and other gentlemen, four Blue Coats, two trumpeters, 15 or 20 Red Coats, with small Guns and short Lances in the tops of them, set forth in order to go to Connecticut to assume the government of that place." He reached Hartford on the 31st, having crossed the Connecticut River by the ferry at Wethersfield.

MARY JOHNSON. Wethersfield, 1648. This Mary Johnson left a definite record. It is written in broad lines in the dry-as-dust chronicles of the time. Cotton Mather embalmed the tragedy in his Magnalia. "There was one Mary Johnson tryd at Hartford in this countrey, upon an indictment of 'familiarity with the devil, and was found guilty thereof, chiefly upon her own confession."

They were convicted and sent to Wethersfield, from whence some of them may have emerged wiser and better members of society. Some of them could not reform. The stolen money was nearly all recovered, and the Adams Express Company had, long previous to the end of the trial, indemnified all their customers for any loss sustained by the robbery. The Jail at Bridgeport. An Important Arrest.

She owed her escape from hanging to a finding of the Court of Assistants that the jury's verdict did not legally answer to the indictment, and she was set "free from further suffering or imprisonment." JAMES WALKLEY. Hartford, 1662. Arrested. Fled to Rhode Island. KATHERINE HARRISON. Wethersfield, 1669. Convicted; discharged. See account in previous chapter. NICHOLAS DESBOROUGH. Hartford, 1683.

If the word were admissible, it might be called most descriptively the land-bay of a river, at a certain distance between its source and mouth, such for instance as the German Flats on the Mohawk, or the Oxbow on the Connecticut, at Wethersfield, in Vermont, or the great onion-growing flat on the same river at Wethersfield in Connecticut.

An equally cruel fate befell a trader named Tilly, who was taken alive by the Indians and tortured. Tilly came from Massachusetts Bay and was going up the river to Hartford. When he landed at Saybrook, as all travelers were obliged to do, he saw a paper nailed up over the fort gate with orders that no boat going up the river should stop anywhere between Saybrook and Wethersfield.

In 1864 he was elected a Representative from New York to the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and was re-elected in 1866. 306, 361. SAMUEL L. WARNER was born in Wethersfield, Connecticut, in 1829. He received an academical education, and having studied law at the Yale and Harvard Law Schools, was admitted to the bar in 1853. He was soon after appointed Executive Secretary of State.

Connecticut furnished ninety men from the towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield. This was an immense effort for the feeble colonists to make. The Mohegans dwelt in the interior of the country, and were consequently nearer the English settlements. Their sachem, Uncas, had his royal residence in the present town of Norwich.

"John Graves aged about 39 years testifieth that formerly going to reap in the meadow at Wethersfield, his land he was to work on lay near to John Harrison's land.

C. G. Adams, Southport; H. A. Adams, Wethersfield; W. G. Andrews, Guilford; E. W. Babcock, New Haven; J. H. Barbour, Hartford; E. E. Beardsley, D.D., LL.D., New Haven; A. E. Beeman, Unionville; J. H. Betts, South Glastonbury; Prof.