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'All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits. PROVERBS xvi. 2. 'All the ways of a man' then there is no such thing as being conscious of having gone wrong, and having got into miry and foul ways?

King Richard looked from one to the other of the kneeling knights, and at last the frown faded from his brow and a smile twitched at the corners of his lips. "Marry, Sir Richard," quoth the King, "thou art a bold-spoken knight, and thy freedom of speech weigheth not heavily against thee with me.

Now let me turn for a moment to the contrasted picture, with which I can only deal in a sentence or two. II. The divine estimate. I have already pointed out the two emphatic thoughts that lie in that clause, 'God weigheth, and 'weigheth the spirits. I need not repeat what I said, in the introduction to these remarks, upon this subject.

And he said: "It behoveth me to return, O Pehliva, for I bethink me how Kai Kaous is a man hard and choleric, and the fear of Sohrab weigheth upon his heart, and his soul burneth with impatience, and he hath lost sleep, and hath hunger and thirst on this account. And he will be wroth against us if we delay yet longer to do his behest."

Now is my heart full of joy, and one thing only weigheth on it; and that is that my kinswoman the Bride begrudgeth our love together. For this is the thing that of all things most misliketh me, that any should bear a grudge against me. She said: 'Forget not the token, and my message to her. 'I will not forget it, said he.

My text was the last clause of the second verse of Proverbs 16: "... the Lord weigheth the spirits." After I had spoken a few minutes Brother Cole spoke up and said, "Please stop a minute, Bro. Susag, do not talk so fast; we do not understand a word you say." I said, "Please pray for me."

How this despoilèd Kingdom stricken lay, And no man raised his hand to guard his dwelling, Until a Woman came to show the way. Honour to Womankind! It needs must be That God loves Woman, since He fashioned Thee! O strange! This little maid sixteen years old On whom no harness weigheth overmuch.

Of bread made of wheat we have sundry sorts daily brought to the table, whereof the first and most excellent is the manchet, which we commonly call white bread, in Latin primarius panis, whereof Budeus also speaketh, in his first book De asse; and our good workmen deliver commonly such proportion that of the flour of one bushel with another they make forty cast of manchet, of which every loaf weigheth eight ounces into the oven, and six ounces out, as I have been informed.

And say not 'I cannot bear these things from such a man, nor are things of this kind to be borne by me, for he hath done me grievous harm and imputeth to me what I had never thought: but from another I will suffer patiently, such things as I see I ought to suffer. Foolish is such a thought as this, for it considereth not the virtue of patience, nor by whom that virtue is to be crowned, but it rather weigheth persons and offences against self.

"Methinks the thought of thy gold weigheth more heavily with thee than the wrong to thy cloth," said the Queen, smiling, and at this a ripple of laughter went around, for everyone knew how fond the Bishop was of his money. Then the Queen turned to a knight who stood near, whose name was Sir Robert Lee. "Wilt thou back me in this manner?" said she.