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Any living thing can find protection there and the result is that any time you choose to ride forth you can see perfectly wild game in their homeland. It was not till the next year that I really saw Wahb. It was at his summer haunt, the Fountain Hotel in the Yellowstone National Park.

I thought, "Wahb at last," and my heart went pit-a-pat as I pointed it out to Nimrod. He recognised it but remained far too calm for my fancy. I pointed into the bushes with signs of "Hurrah, it's Wahb." I received in reply a shake of the head and a pitying smile. How was I to know that the dogs were saying as plainly as dogs need to "A bobcat treed"?

We examined the place with much interest, but found no fresh tracks, and the snow had covered most of the stale ones, as "of course he ain't got no call for it in winter. Like as not, he's denned up somewheres near, though it's a mite early." This was thrilling. Perhaps we might pass within a few feet of Wahb and never know it.

We had no wish to be snowbound for the winter in those wilds, with only two weeks' supply of food, and it was for this same reason we had not stopped to hunt that grizzly who had left a fourteen inch track over on Wiggins' Creek the same being Wahb of the Big Horn Basin, about whom I shall have something to say later.

Then they disappeared like a row of post-holes into the distance. The Host said there was only one bear in that region that could make a track like that; in spite of the fact that this was beyond his range, it must be Meeteetsee Wahb. He got off his horse and measured the track. Yes, the hind foot tracked fourteen inches. What a hole in the ground it looked!

The names of all these divines have been mentioned in the books of old; among them are Wahb Ibn-i-Ráhib, Ka‘b Ibn-i-Ashraf, ‘Abdu’lláh-i-Ubayy, and others of their like.

I looked about for the owner of the whisper and discovered Nimrod not far away in a nest he had made for himself in a pile of rubbish. I edged nearer. "See, over there in the woods are two black bears. You scared them away. Isn't he a monster?" indicating Wahb. I responded with appropriate enthusiasm. Then after a respectful silence I ventured to say: "How long have you been here?"