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Albius, in whom my satires find A critic, candid, just, and kind, Do you, while at your country seat, Some rhyming labours meditate, That shall in volumed bulk arise, And e'en from Cassius bear the prize; Or saunter through the silent wood, Musing on what befits the good. Francis.

Their position was shortly changed to the mountain slope below the village. Down the valley sudden flashes of light and puffs of smoke that gracefully volumed upwards, followed by the sullen roar of artillery, revealed a contest between the advancing and retreating forces. That fire-lit scene must be a life picture to the fortunate beholders.

He told me for one thing, after we had passed the mountain gates of the famous Vega and were making our way under the moonlight over the storied expanse, drenched with the blood of battles long ago, that the tall chimneys we began to see blackening the air with their volumed fumes were the chimneys of fourteen beet-root sugar factories belonging to the Duke of Wellington.

As he did so, a first touch of silver fell on the hoary flint. 'Oh, young bird of heaven in that Devil's clutch! Sounds like the baying of boar-hounds alarmed him. They whined into silence. He fell back. The meadow breathed peace, and more and more the nightingales volumed their notes. As in a charmed circle of palpitating song, he succumbed to languor.

The room where tea was now brought and put before her was volumed round by the collections of her grandfather, except for the spaces filled by his portrait and that of earlier ancestors, going back to the time when Copley made masterpieces of his fellow-Bostonians.

Each pamphlet should be plainly numbered at its head by colored pencil, with the figure of its place in the volume, and the number of the case, containing it, which should also be volumed, and assigned to shelves containing books on related subjects. I need not add that all these numbers should correspond with the catalogue-title of each pamphlet.

The shock of battle was then a medley of human voices, confused with the rattle of the spear upon the shield; now a hell of thunder volumed from successive batteries, and relieved by screaming and bursting shell and rattling musketry. The proper use of a single shell would have cleared the plains of Marathon. More appropriately can we come down to later times, when

Such scenes had tempered with a pensive grace The maiden lustre of that faultless face; Had hung a sad and dreamlike spell upon The gliding music of her silver tone, And shaded the soft soul which loved to lie In the deep pathos of that volumed eye. O'Neill; or, The Rebel.

The veil did her positive service. He was honourably scrupulous not to presume. A right good unimpulsive gentleman: the same that she had always taken him for and liked. 'These firs are not taproots, he observed, by way of apology. Her dress volumed and her ribands rattled and chirruped on the verge of the slope. 'I will take your arm here, she said.

The veil did her positive service. He was honourably scrupulous not to presume. A right good unimpulsive gentleman: the same that she had always taken him for and liked. 'These firs are not taproots, he observed, by way of apology. Her dress volumed and her ribands rattled and chirruped on the verge of the slope. 'I will take your arm here, she said.