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It would he difficult for a mutationist to explain how a mutation should affect the development of the cloacal bladder to such an enormous degree, just when it was required for embryonic respiration, and cause the sides of the body to unite ventrally at the time of hatching, cutting off the allantois and the amnion. This may be true when there are already distinct stages in the life history.

In modern pictures of the frog with which I am familiar, this batrachian is always represented dorsally or ventrally with the legs outstretched, while in the lizards, as we have seen, a lateral view is always adopted.

Nauplius-brood. Ord. 1. Ceratometopa. Nauplius with frontal horns. Ord. 2. LEIOMETOPA. Nauplius without frontal horns. Sub-class II. HEMISCHISTA. Segmentation not complete. A. Nototropa. Embryo bent upwards. Ord. 3. Protura. The tail is first formed. Ord. 3. Saccomorpha. A maggot-like larva-skin is first formed. B. Gasterotropa. Embryo bent ventrally. Ord. 5. Zoeogona.

The posterior part lies partly upon and partly in the texture of the sacrosciatic ligament. Anatomy. It runs ventrally and backward, at first between the psoas major and minor, then crosses the deep face of the tendon of the latter and descends under cover of the sartorious over the terminal part of the iliopsoas. Branches supply the stifle and the adductor and pectineus muscles.