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"I don't say no," replied the Senator, "but I candidly avow that for the life of me I cannot think of any one possessing such an inheritance as you mention not one in the whole province." "Do you know the daughter of the rich landowner Augusta Pena at whose hacienda, please God, we shall sleep to-morrow night?" "Oh!" exclaimed the Senator, "the proprietor of the Hacienda del Venado?

With these words the Spaniard and the Senator parted the heart of the latter beating at the same time with hope and fear. Don Estevan now awaited the haciendado, who the moment after came up to him. The proprietor of the Hacienda del Venado, as has already been seen, had given to the Spaniard more than an ordinary welcome.

Don Augustin's two envoys took leave of their host, assuring him of a kind welcome, if ever his affairs led him in the direction of the Hacienda del Venado. Even the poorest in this primitive country, would blush to receive any other reward for hospitality than sincere thanks, and a promise that they in their turn should receive it.

"But La Poza is not on the route to Tubac!" objected the servant; "it lies out of the way and on the road leading to the Hacienda del Venado." "You have nothing to do with the route," peremptorily answered Cuchillo, "your master intends spending some days at the Hacienda del Venado. Therefore do as I have ordered you."

At present, we need not worry about the marsh deer, the pampas deer, the guemal, or the venado, nor the tapir, jaguar, ocelot and bears. All these species are abundantly able to take care of themselves; and to find and kill any one of them is a man's task.

If he is left without resources, I hope you have said to him that he will find a welcome at the Hacienda del Venado." "No I have not," replied the monk. "And why?" "Because this young fellow is desperately in love with your daughter; it is my duty to tell you so." "What signifies that, so long as my daughter does not love him?" replied Don Augustin.

He was a man of about forty years of age, thin, but rough and vigorous in appearance, whose countenance seemed to tell of dangers overcome, but whose speech was as rare as his physiognomy was expressive. He replied shortly to any questions addressed to him; but, on the other hand, he asked a great many, and appeared particularly anxious to know what was passing at the Hacienda del Venado.

But the eyes of his judges did not turn in the direction he indicated. Fabian rose slowly; his look caused the blood to curdle in the veins of the outlaw. "Cuchillo!" said he, "you saved me from dying of thirst, and you have not done this for one who is ungrateful. I have forgiven you the stab with which you wounded me at the Hacienda del Venado.

Outside this privileged enclosure was a group of from twenty to thirty huts, composing a species of little village. Such was the Hacienda del Venado. The proprietor, Don Augustin Pena, was a man of great opulence.

The Hacienda del Venado was the most important estate between Arispe and the Indian frontier, and its proprietor had the reputation of being the most hospitable man in the whole province.