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One of the four seamen was a Kanaka named 'Tommy Sandwich. He was a native of Sandwich or Vaté Island in the New Hebrides. In a very short time this man had ascended a lofty palm-tree, and was throwing down the coco-nuts to the others, who for some minutes were busily engaged tying them together to carry them to the boat. 'That will do, Tommy, cried the captain, presently.

Of others besides the many brave men who lived before Agamemnon might it be written: sed omnes illacrumabiles Urgentur, ignotique larga Nocte, carent quia vate sacro.

If in subsequent years she was a prodigy of innocence and virtue, it was not the fault of her whilom ??? mother-in-law, of her uncles of the house of Guise, or of the examples presented to her either at the windows of the castle of Amboise or in its more pri- vate recesses.

The imagination beholding the beauty of this order, created it out of itself according to its own idea; the consequence was empire, and the reward everliving fame. These things are not the less poetry quid carent vate sacro. They are the episodes of that cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of men.

I axed him how he knowed, and he said he seed the old cock lugging the dust to the office, and followed him, thinking that if he could get a chance he would crack him over his head, and make a raise. I didn't make many 'quiries, 'cos I thought I vould vate a little vile until I got 'quainted." "And was there any thing said about the parties who committed the outrage?" I asked.

Another reason and one which every Scot will understand why lowland heroes "carent vate sacro," is that the lowlands and those who live in them are wanting in the poetic and romantic elements.

Properly said of a veto interposed by the Tribunes; then of any prohibition. Non quia==not that, is characteristic of late writers. It is followed by the subj. Z. 537, and note H. 1, 15. Manet, mansurumque est. Cf. Vell. Paterc. 2, 66, 5: vivit, vivetque per omnem saeculorum memoriam. See Z. 498. Oblivio obruet, sc. for want of a historian, carent quia vate sacro, cf. Hor. Od. 4, 9, 25, seq.

'Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona Multi, sed omnes illacrymabiles Urgentur, ignotique longa Nocte, carent quia vate sacro . They whose inferiour exertions are recorded, as serving to explain or illustrate the sayings of such men, may be proud of being thus associated, and of their names being transmitted to posterity, by being appended to an illustrious character.

The imagination, beholding the beauty of this order, created it out of itself according to its own idea; the consequence was empire, and the reward ever-living fame. These things are not the less poetry, quia carent vate sacro. They are the episodes of that cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of men.

The day after they were buried, amidst the tears and lamentations of the people; the native teacher, who had escaped, stood beside the grave, and delivered an address which powerfully affected the bystanders. In the large island of Fate or Vate, Christian teachers have been landed at different times, but some have been killed and eaten, and others have died of disease.