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It required very little ingenuity on my part to so engage Mrs. Vanderheck's attention that I could abstract the real stones from the case and replace them with the others.

"That was a queer affair throughout, wasn't it? and the story about the Bently woman is another it got into the papers in spite of all old Vanderheck's efforts to bribe the reporters to silence. Do you credit the theory that the same woman was concerned in both swindles?" "I hardly know what to think about it," Ray answered. "We do not even know yet whether the cross belongs to us; but Mr.

Cutler brought forth the bogus ones, which he still had in his possession, and the two pairs appeared to be exact counterparts of each other. The magistrate examined them with interest and care, after which he placed them on the desk before him. Mrs. Vanderheck's counsel then said that his client would like to relate how the contested jewels came in her possession.

Cutler's counsel here stated that his client had an important statement to make, whereupon that gentleman related that Mr. Arnold, the Chicago expert to whom the real crescents had been submitted, had made a private mark upon the setting, with a steel-pointed instrument, and if such a mark could be discovered upon Mrs. Vanderheck's ornaments they were doubtless real.

Palmer and Ray now began to feel quite uncomfortable regarding the cross which Mr. Rider had also taken in charge. They consulted a few moments with Mrs. Vanderheck's counsel, and then the cross was quietly submitted to Mr. Palmer's examination.

Vanderheck's employ, and by means of well-turned compliments, re-enforced now and then with some pretty gift, he managed to keep himself well posted regarding the mistress' movements and her social engagements, and then he diligently followed up his espionage by frequenting the many receptions and balls which she attended.