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So the hen left her nest in search of ready-made chickens, and the crow, made a square meat. Eastern Proverb A hundred guarded it. It began to be rumored presently that Utirupa had declined to recognize Blaine's contract with his predecessor. Samson's guarded hints, and the fact that the mouth of the mine remained blocked with concrete masonry were more or less corroborative.

Utirupa ran in to drag the assailant off, but Trotters got there first chose his neck-hold like a wolf in battle and in another second Dick was free with Tess kneeling beside him while a life-and-death fight between animal and man raged between the bars of silver. "Gungadhura!" Yasmini shouted, waving her lantern for a sight of the struggling man's face.

Finally, in the teeth of remonstrances from Tess, Dick cocked a pistol and, with his lantern in the other hand, strode in boldly. Trotters followed him, and Tom Tripe next. Then Utirupa. Then the women. Nothing happened. The passage was about ten feet long and a yard wide.

Utirupa himself was known to have profound Sikh tendencies a form of liberalism in religion that produced almost as much persecution at one time as Protestantism did in Europe. So the priests demanded the most elaborate ritual of purification that ingenuity could devise, together with staggering sums of money.

A rangar came up to the prince and spoke to him a slim, young-looking man, a head the shorter of the two, with a turban rather low over his eyes, and the loose end of it, for some reason, across the lower half of his face. Dick nudged Tess, and she nodded. After that Utirupa appeared to speak in low tones to each member of his own team. "I beg your pardon. What was that you said?" asked Dick.

"I shall always be grateful to you," he said, smiling into Tess's eyes with his own wonderful brown ones but talking at the commissioner. "If I had lost this letter I should have been at a loss indeed. If some one else had found it, that might have been disastrous." "But I did not find it for you," Tess objected. Utirupa turned his back to the commissioner and answered in a low voice.

Half an hour after that, Utirupa presented himself at Samson's office in the usual neat Rajput dress that showed off his lithe figure and the straightness of his stature. But if Utirupa felt surprise he did not show it. "To make a short story of a long one, Prince Utirupa," Samson began at once, "as you know, Gungadhura abdicated yesterday.

The envelope was scented, and addressed in Persian characters. She saw the prince's eyes devour the thing saw him exchange glances with Tom Tripe and realized that Tom had rather deftly introduced her to another actor in the unseen drama that was going on. Clearly the next move was hers. "Is it yours, perhaps?" she asked. Prince Utirupa Singh bowed and took the letter.

He'll have to be stopped, and I'll have to make some sort of explanation." "What's an American doing in Sialpore?" "Prospecting. Has a contract with Gungadhura." "Um-m-m! We'll have Standard Oil in next! Better point out to Utirupa that contracts with foreigner's aren't regarded cordially." "That's easily done," said Samson. "Utirupa is nothing if not anxious to please."

And if it were true that t he English really got the money, what did they do with it and why was Samson removed shortly afterward to a much less desirable post? Any one could see how Utirupa prospered, and he never raised the taxes half a mill. Samson had his very shrewd suspicions, one of which was that that damned American with his smart little wife had scored off him in some way.