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They value him for his good sense, great abilities, amazing fortitude, noble resolution, and undaunted courage: being firm and unmov'd at all the various reports that were propagated in regard to his being taken up and sent home, notwithstanding he had repeated letters from his friends, both in England as well as here, to keep out of the way."

But the movements of a nation, the, voiceless purpose of a people which cannot put its own thoughts into words, yet acts upon them in each successive generation these things do not lie within his grasp.... The functions of literature such as he represents are limited in their action; the influence he can wield is artificial and restricted, and, while he and his hearers please and are pleas'd with pleasant periods, his great mass of national life will flow around them unmov'd in its tides by action as powerless as that of the dwellers by the shore to direct the currents of the ocean."

Where dwelt in haughty wretchedness a lord, Whose rage was justice, and whose law his word: Who saw unmov'd the vassal perish near, The widow's anguish, and the orphan's tear; Insensible to pity stern he stood, Like some rude rock amid the Caspian flood, Where shipwreck'd sailors unassisted lie, And as they curse its barren bosom, die.

"No Serpent of parch'd Afric's breed doth Ranker poison bear The drowsy Adder will as soon unlock his Sullen Ear "Unmov'd by good Advice, and dead As Adders they remain From whom the skilful Charmer's voice can no attention gain."

Judge, dear Antonio, my Surprize and Grief; A-while I stood unmov'd, thoughtless, and silent, But soon Rage wak'd me to new Life again; But what I said and did, I leave to raging Lovers, Like disappointed me, to guess and judge; She heard and only answer'd me in Tears, Nor could I beg one tender Word from her, She sigh'd, and shut the Window too, and vanish'd. Ant.

II Live well, and fear no sudden fate: When God calls virtue to the grave; Alike 'tis justice, soon or late, Mercy alike to kill or save. Virtue unmov'd can hear the call. And face the flash that melts the ball. These verses she acknowledged in a letter which, written while on the homeward path, she sent from Dover, where she arrived at the beginning of November.

Oh, Sylvia, cried he, thou joy and hope of all my aged years, thou object of my dotage, how hast thou brought me to my grave with sorrow! So left me with the paper in my hand: speechless, unmov'd a while I stood, till he awaked me by new sighs and cries; for passing through my chamber, by chance, or by design, he cast his melancholy eyes towards my bed, and saw the dear disorder there, unusual then cried 'Oh, wretched Sylvia, thou art lost! And left me almost fainting.

"Yet think not that I die unmov'd; I mourn the doom that sets me free, As I think, betroth'd belov'd, On all the joys I lose in thee! To form my boys to meet the fray, Where'er the Gothic banner streams; To guard thy night, to glad thy day, Made all the bliss of AGNAR'S dreams Dreams that must now be all forgot, Earth's joys have passed from AGNAR'S lot!