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It is the desolated, ruined south; nearly the whole generation of young men between seventeen and thirty destroyed or maim'd; all the old families used up the rich impoverish'd, the plantations cover'd with weeds, the slaves unloos'd and become the masters, and the name of southerner blacken'd with every shame all that is Calhoun's real monument." October 3.

And now behold as they their sacks unloos'd To empty out their corn, there was unclos'd In each man's sack his money therein bound, As when they came from home, which when they found, Both they and their old father were afraid; And to his sons afflicted Jacob said, You of my children have bereaved me, Joseph and Simeon now do cease to be; And of my Benjamin you would deprive me, These things do ev'n into distraction drive me.

Unto the steward they drew nigh therefore, And thus communed with him at the door: O sir, say they, we came at first indeed To buy provision to supply our need; And in our inn as we our sacks unloos'd, We found our money therein all inclos'd In its full weight, whereat surpris'd with fear, Not knowing who had put our money there, We now have brought it in full weight again, And other money too, to buy more grain.

I had also personally seen and heard, various years afterward, how Andrew Jackson, Clay, Webster, Hungarian Kossuth, Filibuster Walker, the Prince of Wales on his visit, and other celebres, native and foreign, had been welcom'd there all that indescribable human roar and magnetism, unlike any other sound in the universe the glad exulting thunder-shouts of countless unloos'd throats of men!

On the enormous outgrowth of our unloos'd individualities, and the rank, self-assertion of humanity here, may well fall these grace-persuading, recherche influences. We first require that individuals and communities shall be free; then surely comes a time when it is requisite that they shall not be too free.

In memory of these merry Christmas days and nights to my friends Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Churchie, May, Gurney, and little Aubrey.... A heavy snow-storm blocking up everything, and keeping us in. But souls, hearts, thoughts, unloos'd. And so one and all, little and big hav'n't we had a good time? Scene.