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Now, I suppose, for myself here, who is but an unlarned man to some that follows the seas, I suppose that, taking the coast from Cape Ler Hogue as low down as Cape Finish-there, there isn’t so much as a headland, or an island, that I don’t know either the name of it or something more or less about it. Take enough, woman, to color the water. Here’s sugar.

I am but a poor hunter, I know, untaught and unlarned; but God is as near me, in this my home, as he is near the king in his royal palace." "Who can doubt it?" returned Mabel, looking from the view up into the hard-featured but honest face of her companion, though not without surprise at the energy of his manner.

"That's the Negus language," observed,one of the young ladies, who affected to be a wit and a blue-stocking; "it's Irish and English mixed." "Thrath, an' but that the handsome young lady's so purty," observed Phil, "I'd be sayin' myself that that's a quare remark upon a poor unlarned man; but, Gad bless her, she is so purty what can one say for lookin' an her!"

But I am a plain unlarned man, that has sarved both the king and his country, in his day, agin’ the French and savages, but never so much as looked into a book, or larnt a letter of scholarship, in my born days. I’ve never seen the use of much in-door work, though I have lived to be partly bald, and in my time have killed two hundred beaver in a season, and that without counting thc other game.

"You're a scholar, sir, an' but maybe I'm sayin' what I oughtn't to say but sure, God knows, it's all very well known long ago." "What is it, M'Cormick?" asked John; "speak out plainly; we will not feel offended." "'Twas only this, sir," continued Nogher, "I'm an unlarned man; but he would write to you may be I mane Connor an' if he did, I'd be glad to hear but I hope I don't offind you, sir.

I didn't care for women, only Ellen. She was the only livin' thing as come near me. I gripped on to her like death, havin' only her. But she hed more nor me." Jinny knew the story well. "She went away with him?" softly. "Yes, she did. I don't blame her. She was young, unlarned. No man cared for our souls. So, when she loved him well, she thort God spoke to her. So she was tuk from me.

"Barney Casey, you that knows a great deal for an unlarned man, tell us what you think of it," said the cook; "isn't it the world's wondher, that a man that's out at such hours doesn't see somethin'? There's Lanty Bawn, and sure they say he saw the white woman beyant the end of the long boreen on Thursday night last, the Lord save us; eh, Barney?" Barney immediately assumed the oracle.