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"Gintlemen classics, I have been now twenty-six years engaged in the propagation of Latin and Greek litherature, in conjunction wid mathematics, but never, until yesterday, has my influence been spurned; never, until yesterday, have sacrilegious hands been laid upon my person; never, until yesterday, have I been kicked insidiously, ungallantly, and treacherously kicked by my own subjects.

Heaven first, in its mercy, taught mortals their letters, For ladies in limbo, and lovers in fetters, Or some author, who, placing his persons before ye, Ungallantly leaves them to write their own story. Pope, imitated. When Mannering returned to England, his first object had been to place his daughter in a seminary for female education, of established character.

Then Signora Ballatino, clothed in the costume of the Sunny South, where clothes are less essential than in these colder climes, skipped airily forward, and was most ungallantly greeted with a storm of groans and hisses. Her beloved instrument was unfeelingly alluded to as a pie-dish, and she was advised to take it back and get the penny on it.

"Have patience, little sister mine!" he mocked. "Have patience, and you will get your desires." "You mean thing! and I haven't had a chocolate all day. How did you come to bring them?" "Amy asked me to," he said boldly. "Oh, Will Ford! I did not!" and Amy blushed a "lobster red," as the lad ungallantly informed her.

Big bright-faced boys in devoted attendance on shy and unconscious small maidens many years their juniors, and, en revanche, determined little ladies triumphantly towing about smaller boys, who seemed sometimes elated, but mostly resigned, while one youthful misogynist openly rebelled and fled to Mabel for protection, declaring ungallantly that he would rather be 'at home in bed than bothered like that any longer.

Hallam's astonishment paralleled, and her relief transcended it. In order to understand this it must be remembered that while Mr. Kirkwood was aware of the lady's presence in Antwerp, on her part she had known nothing of him since he had so ungallantly fled her company in Sheerness.

His friend was silent a moment, perhaps for want of power to speak. Fleda dared not look at him. "It is not impossible, unless this lady forbid me. I am not a fixture." "But what brought you here, man, to offer your services?" said Charlton; "most ungallantly leaving so many pairs of bright eyes to shine upon your absence." "Mr. Thorn will not find himself in darkness here, Capt.

Aunt Merry Aunt Merry! Come come quick! He is here." But Aunt Merry at the head of the stairs had heard the voice, and Dick, tearing himself ungallantly from the embrace of beauty, was up the stairs in four leaps and in the arms of the fainting spinster. "It is Miss Perley's nephew," Olympia said, joyously, to the amazed lady of the house, who stood speechless.

"Out of my way, I say, or he'll kill you; I can't pull him in. He is running away with me!" With this the wily young hypocrite gives the donkey a final kick with his right heel, and dashes ungallantly into the very midst of them. The confusion that follows is all his heart can desire. Great indeed is the rout.

He became interested in the young Indian widow, and though he protests that he married her for the purpose of converting her to Christianity, and rather ungallantly calls her "an unbelieving creature," it is just possible that if she had not been a pretty and altogether captivating young unbeliever he would have found less personal means for her conversion.