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Dorian complied: "'There are more lives yet, there are more worlds waiting, For the way climbs up to the eldest sun, Where the white ones go to their mystic mating, And the holy will is done. I'll find you there where our love life heightens Where the door of the wonder again unbars, Where the old love lures and the old fire whitens, In the stars behind the stars'."

We sin, we go far astray, we think mercy is exhausted, and the door shut against us; but when we truly repent and go back, and kneel, and pray to be forgiven, Christ Himself unbars the door and leads us in; and our Father, loving those whom He created, pardons all; and only requires that we sin no more.

There, when the sentence of the Fathers stands fixed for battle, the Consul, arrayed in the robe of Quirinus and the Gabine cincture, with his own hand unbars the grating doors, with his own lips calls battles forth; then all the rest follow on, and the brazen trumpets blare harsh with consenting breath.

When she hears that it is Mak she unbars the door, but when she sees what her husband brings she is afraid. "By the naked neck thou art like to hang," she says. "I have often escaped before," replies Mak. "But so long goes the pot to the water, men say, at last comes it home broken," cries Gill. But the question is, now that they have the sheep, how is it to be his from the shepherds.

In English they might be rendered: "When Aurora, enfurred in her robe of satin, Unbars, without noise, the doors of the morning." "Dream if you like," says Nodier, "of the Aurora of winter, and tell me if Homer could have better robed it in words.

It will take you, I suppose, two hours to make your ladder and get out. You cannot begin until the guard closes your door. You tell me he never comes in." "No, he brings the last meal an hour before sunset. I generally sit on the top of the steps, till he comes up to lock the door, which is about nine o'clock; and I do not see him again until he unbars the door in the morning.

The Aurora of Jasmin is quite his own; 'unbars the doors of the morning'; it is done without noise, like a goddess, patient and silent, who announces herself to mortals only by her brightness of light. It is this finished felicity of expression which distinguishes great writers. The vulgar cannot accomplish it."

At any hour of the day I won't speak positively about the night women may be seen at the unbars filling large earthenware jugs, coming and going, going and coming. I don't remember ever passing one of these cisterns without seeing women there, filling and carrying away jars of water.

I ground my teeth at the sudden thought, and for a moment I was on the point of going back and forcing my way into the chateau at the sword point if necessary, to warn and save the Chevalier in spite of himself and unthanked. It was not in such a fashion that I had thought to see my mission to Canaples accomplished; I had dreamt of gratitude, and gratitude unbars the door to much.

Aye, Jack, I will feel happier to be elsewhere when Cap'n Wellsby unbars the fo'castle and holds 'em back with his pistols till he can cast off in the jolly-boat." "Yes, the sight of you is apt to put them in a vile temper," laughingly agreed Jack, "and 'tis awkward for the master to bother with us. Now about a little raft " "Two short spars are enough. There they lie.