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That the body, however, recently disinterred actually was once in the coffin of the martyrs is evidenced by its right-ankle bone being found there. Another curious confirmation arises from my friend's remark about the missing tooth, when compared with the following passage from Ughelli, Ital. Sacr. t. iv. col. 82: "Archbishop Angelbert was most devout to the Church of St.

Here once ran a fountain which was known as late as the twelfth century as the Fons Bandusinus, and Ughelli, in his "Italia Sacra," cites a deed of the year 1103 speaking of a church "at the Bandusian Fount near Venosa." Church and fountain have now disappeared; but the site of the former, they say, is known, and close to it there once issued a copious spring called "Fontana Grande."

If Ughelli's church "at the Bandusian Fount" stood on this eminence well, I shall be glad to corroborate, for once in the way, old Ughelli, whose book contains a deal of dire nonsense.

Montorio will tell you all about it; he learnt its history in June 1712 from the local archbishop, who had extracted his information out of the episcopal archives. Concerning another of these wonder-working idols that of S. M. del Patirion you may read in the ponderous tomes of Ughelli.

After the lapse of nearly 90 years, exactly the same sum was awarded for the discovery of the first six books by another de' Medici, Leo X., to Arcimboldi, afterwards Archbishop of Milan, the 122nd, according to the Abbot Ughelli, in his work that occupied him thirty years, "Italia Sacra".

Maria dell' Organo, where is mentioned "pratum juris imperii nostri pertinens de Comitatu Veronensi, de Sculdascia videlicet, que Fluvium dicitur"; and in a document published by Ughelli, in speaking of the bishops of Belluno, "Sculdascia Belluni" is used.