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I sometimes think you love me chiefly because I so truly deserve your pity. As for this young man, he is gentle, strong, and good, and, as you say, he certainly is good to look upon. Twonette knows that, don't you, Twonette? He is wise, too, and brave, even against the impulse of his own great heart. He thinks only of my good and his own duties. I am in no danger from him, uncle.

Fortunately, Tante Castleman was on the opposite side of the panel in the oak room, and and " She had been halting in the latter part of her narrative and I plainly saw what was coming. "Tante Castleman was was It was fortunate she was in " She sprang to her feet, exclaiming: "I'm going to tell Twonette what I think of her boldness in sitting there in the dark with Sir Max.

Her father is not here to do it." And that was the last I heard of the stairway in the wall. Yolanda ran across the room to the bench by the fireplace and stamped her foot angrily before Twonette. "It it is immodest for a girl to sit here in the deep shadow beside a gentleman for hours together. Shame, Twonette! Your father is not here to correct you." Castleman had left the room.

These very demure girls are often full of surprises. She has been sitting there in the shadow with Sir Max for half an hour. That, I say, would be bold in any girl. Well, to finish about the staircase: my bedroom, as I told you, was my grandfather's. One day Twonette was visiting me, and we we Sir Max, what in the world are you and Twonette talking about? We can't hear a word you say."

"What shall I tell him?" asked Twonette. "You will tell him what I want him to do quickly, at once, immediately," pleaded Yolanda. "You know what I have waited for this long, weary time." "Tell him yourself what you want quickly, at once, immediately," answered Twonette. "I, too, have wants." "What do you want, daughter?" asked Castleman, beaming upon Twonette.

Max was, of course, aglow with pleasure at Yolanda's praise, but he bore his honors meekly. He did not look upon his tremendous feat of arms as of much importance. Fearing the return of the Schwartreiter with reënforcements, we lost no time in resuming our journey, Max and Yolanda quickly finished their dinner, but Castleman, Twonette, and myself did not care to eat.

"No," I answered, "she is not." I asked her if she were. She laughed at the suggestion, and said: 'Oh, no, no, the princess is a very proud person and very exclusive. She knows but one burgher girl in Peronne, I am told. That one is Twonette, and I believe she treats her most ungraciously at times. I would not endure her snubs and haughty ways as Twonette does.

"Ah, that she is," answered the girl. You see, this was a real case of billing and cooing between December and May. A short silence followed, during which Yolanda glanced furtively toward Max and Twonette. "You spoke of your grandfather," said I, "and that reminds me that you promised to tell me the story of the staircase in the wall." "So I did," answered Yolanda, haltingly.

Three or four years ago, when I was a child, mother and I, unhappy at Ghent and an annoyance to father, came here to live in the castle, and and I wonder what Sir Max and Twonette find to talk about and Twonette and I became friends. I love Twonette dearly, but she is a sly creature, for all she is so demure, and she is bolder than you would think, Sir Karl.

Castleman and Max drank sparingly of wine and honey, while I sipped orange water with Yolanda, Twonette, and Frau Kate. "What do you think of Burgundy, Sir Max?" asked the burgher. "I like Grote's inn well," answered Max. "I like the castle dungeon ill. I have seen little else of Burgundy save in our journey down the Somme. Then I saw nothing but the road on the opposite bank.