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"'How much would be crowded towards the party you want, Saturday nights? I says. "'Twenty dollars and expenses, says he. "'Make it thirty, I says. 'Travelin's hard on them that loves their home. "'We'll split it, he says. 'Twenty-five's the word. "'My time's yours, I says. "'How about the other horse? says the fat guy. "'You'll own him in eight minutes, I says.

"A hundred and twenty-five's plenty enough for a good starter at the Millersville Normal," said the doctor. "But," Tillie hesitated, "this is April, and the spring term closes in three months. What should I do and where could I go after that? If I made such a break with father, he might refuse to take me home even if I had nowhere else to go. Could I risk that?"

Compton had wagered she would wear light blue, for she knew that was his favorite color, and Compton was a millionaire's son, and that almost laid him open to the charge of betting on a sure thing. But white was her choice, and Gaines held up his head with twenty-five's lordly air. The little summer hotel in the mountains had a lively crowd that year.

Grant saw, with an amazement he could scarcely conceal, that for the time, at least, she was quite subdued, would meekly submit to anything. "Go to your grandmother," said Craig promptly. "You attend to the preacher, Grant. Twenty-five's enough to give him." Margaret's cheeks flamed, her head bowed. Grant flushed in sympathy with her agony before this vulgarity.