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The truffle is mostly found in beech woods: I have mentioned this, because it is very generally met with at table, although it is not in cultivation. TURNEPS. Brassica Rapa. The varieties in use for garden culture are, the Early Dutch, the Early Stone, and the Mouse-tail Turnep. The culture and uses of the turnep are too well known to require any description.

All the Sorts are white; the last grows in a great Bunch of these small Hony-Suckles set upon one chief Stem, and is commonly the Bigness of a large Turnep. Nothing can appear more beautiful than these Bushes, when in their Splendour, which is in April and May.

All the plants of this class possess similar virtues; they are termed acrid and anti corbutic in their raw state, as mustard, watercress; when cultivated and boiled, they become a mild wholesome food, as cabbage, turnep. There was formerly a Volcano on the Peake of Tenerif, which became extinct about the year 1684. Philos. Trans.

The country people cut a raw turnep in thin slices, and a lemon in the same manner: and by placing the slices alternately with sugar-candy between each, the juice of the turnep is extracted, and is used as a pleasant and good remedy in obstinate coughs, and will be found to relieve persons thus afflicted, if taken immediately after each fit.

Although this is one of the remedies my young medical friends may be led to despise, yet I would, nevertheless, advise them to make use of it when need occasions. The yellow turnep is also much esteemed as a vegetable; but is dry, and very different in taste from any of the common kinds. The following section cannot be too closely studied by people in all ranks of life.

Bere, brewed specially in speciall tyme. Victuall by Rootes And Herbes. Turnep Seede. Passeneape Sede. Radishe. Cariott. Naviewes. Garlicke. Onyons. Leekes. Melons. Pompions. Cowcombers. Cabage Cole. Parseley. Lettis. Endiffe. Alexander. Orege. Tyme. Rosemary. Mustard Seede. Fennell. Anny Seedes, newe and freshe to be sowen.