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The long wires of the telegraph poles doubled, two tracks ran up beside the train three four; came a succession of white-roofed houses, a glimpse of a trolley-car with frosted windows, streets more streets the city. She stood for a dazed moment in the frosty station before she saw three fur-bundled figures descending upon her. "There she is!" "Oh, Sally Carrol!" Sally Carrol dropped her bag.

If the following pages might choose their own time and place they would meet their reader not in the trolley-car or on the suburban train, but in his own home, comfortably seated. For in order to justify the eulogistic tone of the descriptions which must presently occupy them their first word must be a conciliatory protest against hurry.

As a rule, the people in the Port Willis trolley-car had not great interests at stake; they were generally not highly organized, nervously, and were to all appearances carried as woodenly from one point to another as were the seats of the car. That afternoon a German woman sat nearly opposite Carroll.

Would it flatter their hopes of distinction to find the worst scenes of trolley-car or subway transit repeated at the highest social function in the land, with not even a hanging-strap to support their weariness, their weakness, or, if we must say it, their declining years?

I traveled over miles and miles of territory, by trolley-car, by elevated train and ferry-boat, to Brooklyn, to Harlem, to Jersey City and Newark, only to reach my destination cold and hungry, and to be interviewed by a seedy man with a patent stove-lifter, a shirt-waist belt, a contrivance for holding up a lady's train, or a new-fangled mop anything, everything that a persistent agent might sell to the spendthrift wife of an American workingman.

A little later the Bobbsey twins and the man heard a bell ringing. "That's a trolley-car!" cried the man. "Now we're all right." And so they were. The trolley was one that ran between Belleville and Lakeport, and a little later the two children and the kind man were sitting in the warm electric car, speeding toward their home.

The Asquam trolley-car was not in, and would not be for some twenty minutes; the passengers grouped themselves at the station, half wharf, half platform, and stared languidly at the bay, the warehouse, and the empty track down which the Asquam car might eventually be expected to appear.

The stage-coach is replaced by the trolley-car, and the horseback rider, plodding over corduroy roads with his saddle-bags, is succeeded by the automobile rider speeding over the most improved highways. Farm machinery of all descriptions has revolutionized the old methods of doing farm work. The fish, game, and birds are largely gone and in their place are the animal foods raised by man.

She made out that the trolley-car stopped jerkily, and she saw a policeman breaking his way through the instantly condensing crowd, while the traffic came to a standstill, and people stood up in automobiles or climbed upon the hubs and tires of wheels, not to miss a chance of seeing anything horrible. Mary tried to get through; it was impossible.

There may have been sunsets before this winter, but it seems as though I hadn't had time to see one before over the ironworks, you know, where that hideous black smoke is all day, and the sun turned it into such loveliness " "You've missed your trolley-car," said her mother succinctly.