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After the discovery was published it transpired that similar specks had been observed by several earlier investigators, but no one had previously suspected or, at any rate, demonstrated their nature. Nor was the full story of the trichina made out for a long time after Owen's discovery. It was not till 1847 that the American anatomist Dr.

Species Organ Ascaris suis Intestines Oesophagostomum dentatum Large intestine Trichocephalus crenatus Large intestine Trichina spiralis Muscles and intestines Strongylus paradoxus Trachea and bronchi Sclerostoma pingencola Renal fat and kidney Species Organ Ascaris inflexa Intestine Spiroptera hamulosa Gizzard Heterakis papillosa Caecum Syngamus trachealis Trachea and bronchi

The pig is liable to many most unpleasant diseases, measles and trichina spiralis being the most fatal to the eaters of meat thus affected; but the last a small animalcule of deadly effect if taken alive into the human stomach, as is done in eating raw ham or sausage becomes harmless if the same meat is long and thoroughly boiled.

A western savant, having investigated the parasites existing in hogs, affirms that in western pork, eight animals out of every one hundred are affected by that muscle-boring pest so dangerous to those who have eaten the infected meat, and so well known to all students as the Trichina spiralis.

He invariably approached a subject with a refreshing originality, and on one occasion maintained with an obstinacy born of conviction that the reason Moses had prohibited the Jews from eating pork was because he had discovered the trichina. Simcha Kalimann had taken upon himself the office of censor in his village, as may be seen by the following incident.

Bartholomew's Hospital, London, while dissecting the muscular tissues of a human subject, found little specks of extraneous matter, which, when taken to the professor of comparative anatomy, Richard Owen, were ascertained, with the aid of the microscope, to be the cocoon of a minute and hitherto unknown insect. Owen named the insect Trichina spiralis.

The operation of injecting blood taken from one person into the veins of another. Trichina Spiralis. A minute species of parasite, or worm, which infests the flesh of the hog: may be introduced into the human system by eating pork not thoroughly cooked. Name given to two projections on the upper extremities of the femur, which give attachment to the rotator muscles of the thigh. Trypsin.

Not only have the history of the animal parasites, such as the tapeworms and the trichina, which infest men and animals, with deadly results, been cleared up by means of experimental investigations, and efficient modes of prevention deduced from the data so obtained; but the terrible agency of the parasitic fungi and of the infinitesimally minute microbes, which work far greater havoc among plants and animals, has been brought to light.

"Any pilmania?" was our next inquiry. "Nierte; nizniu." The 'everything' hunted down consisted of eggs, bread, and hot water. We brought out a boiled ham, that was generally our piece de resistance, and made a royal meal. If trichina spiralis existed in Siberian ham, it was never able to disturb us. We found no fruit as there are no orchards in Siberia.

But important as the trichina parasite proved on its own account in the end, its greatest importance, after all, was in the share it played in directing attention at the time of its discovery in 1833 to the subject of microscopic parasites in general.