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If I didn't think so he'd have been on his way a long time ago." "How long has he been here? Who took him on?" "Trevors hired him. About the same time he hired me." Bud Lee, entering then, wondered what new thing was afoot. He glanced down and saw a bare foot peeping out from the hem of Judith's heavy red robe; he saw the hair tumbled in a glorious brown confusion over her shoulders.

"Hi, Bud!" he called. "Trevors wants you. On the jump." Lee watched Tommy coming on with that wide, rocking gait of a man used to much riding and little walking. The deep gravity in the foreman's eyes was touched with a little twinkle by way of greeting. Burkitt stopped at the gate, looking up at Lee. "On the jump, Trevors said," he repeated. "The hell he did," said Lee pleasantly.

Then from her own nook by the fireplace she opened her heart to him: "It's not just that Trevors has crippled me by taking all of my milkers away; not just that he has come near doing I don't know how much harm in having Crowdy turn those calves with the lung-worm out into the fields with the others; not just that during the last few months, he has lost money for us right and left; not just that Benny, the cook, has tried to fire the range."

"That would be old Carson? Yes; he's a good man. You won't find a better." "Is he going to quit, too? Just because I've come?" Lee shook his head. "If you work him right Carson will stick right along. Being white clean through, being broader-minded than I am" and the twinkle came again into his eyes "Carson'll show you a square deal." "Has he any love for Bayne Trevors?"

When I lunched with the Trevors, at Romsey, the day of Brian's return, Mrs. Trevor's sister, Lady Micheldever, was in a state of anxiety about governesses. Her old governess was to be married in a few weeks, such an inestimable treasure that Lady Micheldever thought it would be impossible to replace her, so sweet, so ladylike, so accomplished.

But I'll just tell him how the boys is headed this way by now an' it's tar an' feathers for him if he don't mosey right along. That's something he couldn't stand right now. An', Bud " He put out his hand and locked Lee's in a grip that made the sore fingers wince. Then, swinging upon the heel of his boot, he went back to collect a hundred dollars from Melvin and help Bayne Trevors shape his plans.

It seemed to Dan that Miss Anderson was avoiding Campobello on his account; he knew from what Alice had told him that there had been much surmise about their affair after he had left the island, and he suspected that Miss Anderson thought the subject was painful to him. He wished to reassure her. He asked at the first break in the talk about Washington, "How are the Trevors?"

"I will know, I will know," she said, her eyes filled with cunning, her voice a strange singsong oddly at variance with the coarse bigness of her body. "Oh, no, she will never escape from me again." "I will have a man on the ledge outside night and day," went on Trevors. "But we cannot be so sure of others as we are of ourselves, Ruth. You know that, don't you?"

For a little Judith, back at the long table and looking strangely small in the big, bare room before this massive piece of furniture, stared into vacancy with reminiscent eyes. Then, with a little shrug of her shoulders, she turned again to the tall foreman. "Why did you tell Trevors this morning that you were going to quit work?" she asked with abrupt directness.

Hastings's heart, but he continued, holding up the letter, "He has sued for your hand. He asks you to be his wife. Will you answer yes?" And trembling with excitement, he awaited her reply, while the revelation of a new light was faintly dawning upon him. "Mr. Trevors wish me to be his wife that old man?" she exclaimed, turning slightly pale. "It cannot be; let me read the letter."