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We hid them in the ground on the other sid of the river in a peece of ground. We told them that lye that they should not have suspicion of us. We made good cheere. They stayed there three dayes, during which time many of their wives came thither, and we traited them well, for they eat not fowle att all, scarce, because they know not how to catch them except with their arrowes.

I leave you taste of their Salmi gondy, which I hope to tell you in my following discourses of my other voyages in that country, and others that I frequented the space of tenne years. To make a period of this my litle voyage. Most of us are traited againe for the castors we bestowed on them. They resolve unanimously to goe on their designe. Every thing ready, we march along.

"Laive they that want to fight the Germans, fight 'em we bean't goin' to," said another. "Why shud we all git killed to plaise Members of Parliament?" "I be sheamed ov 'ee," cried an old man near; "you bean't worthy to be called Englishmen." "Why bean't us?" "'Cos you be cowards. Wud 'ee like to be traited like they Germans be?"

Now I must think to be no lesse traited by reason of the murder of the 3 men, but the feare of death takes away the feare of blowes. Nineteen of us prisoners weare brought thither, and 2 left behind with the heads. In this place we had 8 coulours. Others had brands, rods of thorne, and all suchlike that the Crueltie could invent to putt their Prisoners to greater torments.

"Why, I was thinking, my lord, av' I could get some lawyer here to draw up a deed, just settling all Anty's property on herself when I die, and on her children, av' she has any, so that I couldn't spend it you know; she could sign it, and so could I, before we started; and then I'd feel she'd been traited as well as tho' she'd all the friends in Connaught to her back."

She helped me with things about me books. She traited me like I was born a gintleman, and shared with me as if I were of her own blood. She walked the streets of the town with me before her friends with all the pride of a queen. She forgot herself and didn't mind the Bird Woman, and run big risks to help me out that first day, sir.

"Brother," sayes he, "it's a thing to be admired to goe afar to travell. We should not warre against the ffrench, but traited with them for our castors. I was once a Captayne," says he, "of 13 men, against the nation of the fire & against the Stairing hairs, our Ennemys.

We came to Quebecq, where we are saluted with the thundring of the guns & batteryes of the fort, and of the 3 shipps that weare then att anchor, which had gon back to france without castors if we had not come. We weare well traited for 5 dayes. The Governor made guifts & sent 2 Brigantins to bring us to the 3 rivers, where we arrived the 2nd day of, & the 4th day they went away.