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From this I draw ideas of the land and its inhabitants unfavourable ideas of their moral and material condition. No commerce no industry no prosperity. Stay! What see I yonder? Perhaps I have been wronging them. A dark, tower-like object looms up against the horizon. It is the smoke of a steamer sign of advanced civilisation emblem of active life. She nears the shore.

As she looked in the glass at her clear skin, at the wonderful throat showing so soft and palpable and tower-like under the black velvet ribbon brightened by a paste ornament; as she saw the smooth breadth of brow, the fulness of the lips, the limpid lustre of the large eyes, the well-curved ear, so small and so like ivory, it came home to her, as it had never done before, that she was wasted in this obscure parish of St.

The tower-like pigeon-house, with extinguisher roof, stood at one end upon projecting beams, and the pigeons kept going in and coming out of the holes in their two-storied mansion. One sees dovecots everywhere in this district, and most of them are two or three centuries old. Some are attached to houses, and others are isolated on the hillsides amongst the vines.

Usually built in tower-like fashion, they were loopholed in order to afford places of refuge and defense against Indian attack. Another seigneurial obligation was that of giving to the seigneur certain days of corvée, or forced labor, in each year.

His office was on the tenth floor of the EXCHANGE BUILDING, a beautiful, tower-like affair of white stone, that stood on the corner of Market Street near its intersection with Kearney, the most imposing office building of the city.

Manner in which worms seize objects Their power of suction The instinct of plugging up the mouths of their burrows Stones piled over the burrows The advantages thus gained Intelligence shown by worms in their manner of plugging up their burrows Various kinds of leaves and other objects thus used Triangles of paper Summary of reasons for believing that worms exhibit some intelligence Means by which they excavate their burrows, by pushing away the earth and swallowing it Earth also swallowed for the nutritious matter which it contains Depth to which worms burrow, and the construction of their burrows Burrows lined with castings, and in the upper part with leaves The lowest part paved with little stones or seeds Manner in which the castings are ejected The collapse of old burrows Distribution of worms Tower-like castings in Bengal Gigantic castings on the Nilgiri Mountains Castings ejected in all countries.

In the present instance two skeleton, tower-like structures of bamboo were erected in the soldiers' drill ground, and within this simple framework all the business was to be transacted. Seats for the accommodation of the governor and other high functionaries, and for the leading Chinese, were set up at a convenient distance, whilst the respectable public were permitted within the enclosure.

Its surface is rough and uneven, as if it had been tumbled about at some former period; it is dotted with wild bushes; and here and there lonely mounds rise to diversify it. There are no houses on it, save the post-houses, which are square, tower-like buildings, having the stables below and the dwellings above.

But Macko breathed angrily for a while, then he quieted down and said: "But this time, thus it will be: You see a tremendous tower-like pine-tree in the forest; it seems as it will stand there forever; but strike it fairly with your axe and it will reveal hollowness and punk will come out. So is it with the strength of the Knights of the Cross.

Any readers of these pages doubtless remember the huge old-fashioned clocks, tower-like in shape, that in the days of their childhood ornamented the remote corner of the hall, or stood solemnly near the chimney in the sitting-room of the old homestead, such a clock as that which greeted little Paul Dombey, when he commenced to be a man, with its "How, is, my, lit, tle, friend? how, is, my, lit, tle, friend?"